1- Competitions

The competitions shall be called the Ismay Cup and Mini Cup and will be played for by the First Division Teams (Ismay Cup) and Second Division Teams (Mini Cup)

2– Players

Each Team will consist of 8 players

All players must be male, over 60, a paid up member of their club and be registered with the British Crown Green Bowling Association. (BCGBA). No Player can play for more than one team in the Ismay and Mini Cup competitions. Once a player plays for his team he is tied to that team irrespective if he is playing in the Ismay or Mini Cup. Any team playing an ineligible player will be disqualified. Any team unable to field 5 players shall forfeit the match. (Note: Depleted teams who are, however able to field at least 5 players are expected to honour the fixture.

3– The Matches

Matches will be over two legs on a knock-out basis on the dates set. The final will be played on a neutral green chosen by the Executive Committee who may appoint a referee. In the final only, a draw will be made to determine the order of play with each side having the jack alternately. In all prior rounds the draw will be made in accordance with league protocols and the visiting team shall have the first throw of the jack. The order of play to be decided by the home captain.

In all rounds players from both sides may take advantage of a roll up prior to the start at 1400hrs but the green must be vacated by 1350hrs .


4– The Games

All games shall be 21-up of scratch. Standard “in-date” jacks must be used. Measuring will be done by the players, markers or representatives of both clubs concerned but if the players fail to agree on a measure, the referee or home team captain will decide.

5 – The Results

Matches will be determined by the number of team winners with one point being awarded to each winning player. This will take place over the two legs of a match, with the team winning the most legs being declared the winner, should this be tied, it will go down to the number of chalks accumulated by each team over the two games. Should it still be tied each club must nominate one player for a shoot off with a toss being taken for throwing the jack. This will be up to one end with each players woods counting, the player nearest the jack will be the winner.  Match Result Cards must be signed by both captains, and the home captain is to forward it to the Competition Secretary immediately after each Match. The Card should be photographed and sent via email to [email protected]

6- Re-arranged fixtures:

League Rule 6 shall apply to these competitions and defaulting team will be disqualified

7- The Winners

The winning team in each competition will hold their respective trophy for 12 months

Other awards and prize money will be awarded to teams in accordance with the current Prize List in the Fixture Book. There is no automatic right for the holders to defend the trophy in the following season. Entry to the competition will be in accordance with the rules pertaining at the time.

8 – Disputes

Any dispute shall be notified to the competition Secretary as soon as possible after the match.

The matter will then be referred to the Executive Committee whose decision shall be final.

9 – The Executive Committee have the right to decide on any matter not provided by the rules.