Isle of Man Crown Green Bowling Association
Ladies Section
1. Clubs affiliated to the Association shall be eligible to enter a team or teams in the League/s upon receiving the approval of the Association at an Annual General Meeting and upon payment of the current Affiliation Fee.
2. a) Open Age League teams shall consist of 9 (nine) players, plus 2 (two) reserves, each being BCGLBA registered and a fully paid-up member of the Club entering the team in the League. No minimum age limit. These 11 (eleven) names need to be submitted to the competition secretary by the end of February the year they wish to enter a team into the Open Age League. When a club wishes to enter additional teams, a further 9 (nine) names per team need to be submitted. Where a Club has more than one team, players who have played 3 (three) or more league matches for a higher ranked team, shall not be eligible to play for a lower ranked team at the same club in the same season. A player is restricted to playing once for a single team per NUMBERED MATCH.
b) Over 60’s League teams shall consist of 6 (six) players, plus 2 (two) reserves, each being BCGLBA registered and a fully paid-up member of the Club entering the team in the League. These 8 (eight) names need to be submitted to the competition secretary by the end of February the year they wish to enter a team into the Open Age League. When a club wishes to enter additional teams, a further 6 (six) names per team need to be submitted. Where Club has more than one team, players who have played 3 (three) or more league matches for a higher ranked team, shall not be eligible to play for a lower ranked team at the same club in the same season. A player is restricted to playing once for a single team per NUMBERED MATCH.
c) Each Club shall be entitled to send one delegate who shall have the power to vote as instructed by their Club. However, the delegate may only vote on the Open Age and/or the Over 60’s League matters if their Club is entering in the particular League or Leagues.
3. a) Teams entered in the Open Age League shall play each other on a home and away basis in accordance with the Fixture list as prepared by the Association. Matches to be played on evenings determined by the Association with a start time of 6.45pm and 7.15pm scratch. Leeway to be given for extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the two Captains.
b) Matches scheduled for Good Friday to be played on the previous Wednesday. Tynwald Day fixtures may be re-arranged by mutual consent of Captains.
c) A match may be re-arranged during TT, MGP, S100 or any such periods where road closures may cause a Health and Safety issue, e.g., use of access roads. Matches may also be re-arranged when a team has one or more players representing the IOMCCGBA at BCGBA competitions or official Association business if they take place within 48hrs of the affected game. A match scheduled for any Festival Friday can be re-arranged if one or more team members are playing in the Quarter, Semi or Final stages of the Ladies Main competition. All re-arranged matches to be organised by captains and can be played on a date prior to the scheduled fixture or the first date the green is available post the scheduled fixture, irrespective of availability of players.
d) Over 60’s matches to be played on a home and away basis as per Fixtures List with a start time of 10.30am and scratch 11.00am. Leeway to be given for extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the two Captains.
4. a) A match may only be postponed because of bad weather or upon recommendation of the Greenkeeper or both Captains in the event that the Greenkeeper is not available. If the green has been declared in a fit condition for play the match should go ahead. Should a team decide not to play they will forfeit the match and the opposing team will receive the full number of points. If a match is to be postponed, then the deadline time should be 9am for Over 60’s League matches and 5pm for Open Age League matches, provided a continuing adverse weather forecast has been given. In the event of a match being abandoned the points scored by each player on the green at the time of abandonment shall count and the position of the jack marked, with play resuming from this position on the re-arranged date. However, if for a valid reason any player is unable to attend the re-arrange match then substitutes will be allowed in agreement with both Captains, and in this instance the game/s in progress will be void and restarted from scratch. In the event of any dispute the Association Committee will be called, and their decision will be final.
All re-arranged matches to be played on the first date the green is available, irrespective of availability of players.
b) At the time of making the draw, the two Captains must decide on the use of lights. If no lights are available and it is obvious that there will be insufficient daylight to compete the match the home and away fixture may be reversed.
c) The Results Officer should be informed immediately by the home Captain of a postponed or abandoned match. Postponed or abandoned matches to be re-arranged on the first date the green is available.