Jean Kelly continues to Semi Finals

The Ladies Jean Kelly competition really came down to a nail biter when Castletown A travelled to Marown last Friday, with both teams off of scratch, and both teams accumulating 155 points. Castletown A took the match due to winning on matches, 5–4. For the home team, two of the winners Helen Withers and Lil Smith defeated Kim Foy to 11 and Anne Oates to 9. Nice to see Stella Watterson back on the green after some time away from the game.

In the second quarter final Nobles took on Port Erin in the south of the island and managed to secure their place in the semi finals with a victory of 174-113. Port Erin players Lynda Cadamy and Caroline Whitehead used their home green knowledge to prevent Nobles from getting the full 189 chalks, beating Paula Garett and Sylvia Kennaugh respectively.

Onchan lost out to Douglas, despite getting full chalks for each game. With Douglas having a head start of 85 points, the team managed to gain enough points to win the match, finishing 189-214. Kay McKiernan lost just shy of 21, losing to 19 to Dee Lewis.

The final match of the quarter finals, Castletown B took on Port St Mary A, losing 121-186. Starting off a low handicap of 25, Castletown B had a lot to do to win the match, and even with Sonya Mercer defeating Jayne Kneen, and Joy Stephens defeating Port St Mary’s newest player Nicola Cain, it proved to be too much of a hurdle.

The draw for the semi final was done at Nobles on Saturday and are as follows:

  • Port St Mary A (scratch) v Castletown A (+20)
  • Nobles (scratch) v Douglas (+90)

In the Ladies Plate Competition starting this Friday 31st July, we see South Ramsey battling another 90-point handicap against Port Erin. Onchan host Castletown B, who have another high handicap of 60 points. Mooragh Park will take on Peel Sunset who have a 30-point handicap, and finally, Ballaugh play Marown, with the home team having a 30-point advantage.