Full House for Castletown A

A full house for top of the table Castletown A in the open age league when they played Nobles at home. On the Friday league game Castletown A were in fine form, winning two games to single figures. Dee Lewis (Nobles) and recently returned to playing bowls Roz Cannon (Nobles) narrowly missed out on taking wins for Nobles 21-20 and 21-19.

Castletown A 189-120 Nobles (9-0)

Douglas 93-189 Marown A (9-0)

Marown B 120-177 Ballaugh A (1-8)

Peel Sunset 108-178 South Ramsey (2-7)

Ballaugh B 123-168 Mooragh Park (3-6)

Port Erin 168-117 Port St Mary 7-2)

Plate Knockout Semi-Final results

Peel Sunset (+48) 191-226 (+54) Castletown B (3-6)

Jean Kelly Semi-Final results

Marown A (+13) 190-172 (+51) Mooragh Park (6-3)

Ballaugh A (+30) 167-172 (+14) South Ramsey (3-6)