

The Isle of Man Bowling Festivals stride towards another landmark in the history of the June tournaments, when in 2028 the 100th event will be held some 107 years after it all began back in 1921.

However, two stoppages, one for the second World War and the other for the Covid Pandemic have delayed the festivals reaching that milestone just yet.

Since that first contest, the island has been a popular destination for thousands of crown green bowlers from all over the British Isles who have battled it out in the 278 tournaments held in June and September over the 104-year period.

The competitions will be held on three greens in Nobles Park, along with two other Douglas venues – the Villa and Finch Hill. A fourth site, at nearby Onchan Park, is also in the schedule. All the venues are within a four-mile radius.

Over the course of the event there are generally up to 12 competitions, ranging from the two Main tournaments down to a Last Chance mixed competition, with plenty going on between.

Dates for the 2025 events are June 16-20 and September 1-5, entry fees and closing dates for entries are indicated clearly on the entry forms, which can be downloaded and then can either be sent off by post or emailed to the organisers. Please use a relevant reference if you are choosing to transfer the fees and allow plenty of time if sending by post.

As always there will be a selection of open competitions taking place on the island prior to and after the festivals which will be detailed on this website once the dates and details are finalised.

Steve and the team on the Isle of Man

2024 Dates / Entry Forms

Organiser Details

Steve Moore
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 07624 472952