Cu-Plas Ladies’ Doubles

Nobles Ladies Doubles Winners 2016
Jenny Moore & Fional Kennish being presented by Clare Cooper (right)There was an entry of 23 pairs for the Cu-Plas ladies’ doubles played on Nobles’ number 2 green on Sunday 8 May. After an iffy start weather-wise the sun showed its’ face and shadows could be seen on the green.!
The green was running well and some excellent bowling was on display.
Quarter-finals: Jenny Moore and Fiona Kennish 21, Debbie Leece and Alison Keggen 16; Sylvia Kennaugh and Mary Alderson 21, Rebecca Teare and Kim Hargraves 11; Paula Firth and Lin Ruscoe 21, Margaret Tasker and Tricia Bull 14; Lyn Bolton and Paula Garrett 21, Katy Williams and Ann Maddrell 9
Having missed out on a “Lyn and Paula “ v “Lin and Paula” final on Wednesday we now had them meeting in one of the two semi-finals.
Semi-finals: Jenny Moore and Fiona Kennish 21, Sylvia Kennaugh and Mary Alderson 14; Lyn Bolton and Paula Garrett 21, Lin Ruscoe and Paula Firth 18.
In the final Lyn and Paula made the better start taking a lead at 11-7.At this point Fiona and Jenny took the next 8 ends and held a 17-11 advantage. Lyn and Paula caught up to 15-17 after the next three ends, but taking three of the next four ends gave Fiona and Jenny the title 21- 17
During the afternoon an excellent raffle was organised by Rebecca Teare, and a sum of £332 was raised for SCBU ( Special care baby unit)..
The presentation was made by club Chairman, Clare Cooper, who thanked all who had taken part, all those who had helped in the smooth running of the afternoon, and those who had produced the refreshments. Thanks also went to those who had supported the raffle and raised such a magnificent amount.
Particular thanks went to Cu-Plas for their sponsorship of the event.