Bowling Conditions (Do’s and Don’ts)

Phase 2: Published 24th May 2020
- Three games per session with a maximum of five people on the green at one time i.e. two singles plus a group of three from the same household, all games must be played by either individually or with members of the same household
- If a bowl is hit, you must retrieve your own bowl with the other bowler retrieving theirs. Social distancing of 2 metres must continue to be adhered to. Where possible then disinfect the bowl and hands after the bowls hit.
- Only use your equipment brought from home (jacks, mats, bowls etc.)
- Sterilize equipment before and after use
- Keep strict social distancing measures in place – you must remain at a safe distance (2 metres) from people outside of your household
- Follow strong hygiene practices at every opportunity – wash your hands when you get home
- You must have permission from your club to use the green
- Your club will have an agreed process for you to agree a time for you to access the green
- Once you have completed your session, please depart as soon as you safely can to enable others to access the green
- You may only play on the green if you are a member of the club
- Play bowls in groups which include people who do not live in your household
- Enter clubhouse, or any facility which is part of the club (including toilets)
- Use club equipment
- Organise any competitive bowls
- Turn up at the green without prior agreement from your club
- Being careful about touching solid surfaces e.g. gates, doors, etc.
- Wash your hands as soon as you get home, avoid touching your face and take hand sanitiser with you to use while out if possible
- You can drive to the club, the 40mph speed limit is still in place to protect the Hospital and Emergency Services. Each journey should still be considered as to its value and risk
- If required, your club must have authority that you can gain access to the green under the strict guidance laid out in this document and that all the guidelines are followed.
- It is the clubs’ responsibility to decide if your facility is open.
- Check that your insurance is valid
- You must have a clear process for knowing who is playing at the green, make this as clear as you can for your club members to understand and abide by.
- Please place a sign in clear view of all visitors of the guidelines set out above
- Only Club Members will be allowed on your Green.
- Do not use clubhouse and any toilet facilities connected with the Club, ensuring there is clear signage to state this
- Do not use club equipment
- Do not organise any competitive bowls – No Competitions, League Matches, or Tournaments