News: Ladies

Ladies’ League Friday 20 June

After the excitement of Festival week it was back to normality as matches resumed on Friday night in the C Tarleton Hodgson and Son Ltd sponsored ladies’ league.

The match between the top two teams took place at Port St Mary where Port St Mary A had the better of reigning champions Mooragh Park by 6-3 on games and a big enough points difference to top the table at the half-way stage of the season. Castletown had the highest score of the night, dropping just one game against Onchan, courtesy of Jo Smith, to hold third position, South Ramsey had a 25 point advantage over Noble’s Mixed to overtake them for fourth place with a three point lead. There were some close battles, with Rebecca teare losing out 19-21 to Shelley Kennish and Paula Firth being pipped to the post, 20-21, by Lyn Bolton.

Marown were unfortunately a player short giving the advantage to Purt le Moirrey who had a comfortable 6-3 win. The game of the match saw Celia Joughin taking Pauline Worrall all the way just losing out 20-21.Douglas had the better of Ballaugh winning 5-4 on games while things were close at Port Erin with the home side coming through by just 5 points.

Ladies’ League 13 June

Three of the matches in the C Tarleton Hodgson and Son Ltd sponsored ladies’ league on Friday 13 June were won 7-2 on games. Top scorers were Noble’s Mixed against Marown with four of their wins being to single figures, the two winners for Marown being Mary Alderson and Rosie Winckle. Philippa Taylor and Heather Horsburgh were the two winners for Peel against Mooragh Park, while Kim Foy and Anne Oates denied Port St Mary A a full house. It was a tense affair in the match between Onchan and Ballaugh where the home side, winning 5-4 on games, came through by a single point Ann Gale being the only winner to single figures. The other two matches had similar score-lines, each being won by 11 points. At Douglas it was the home side that had the advantage 5-4 on games with two wins to single figures for each side keeping the totals relatively low. The visitors had the better of it at Port Erin, although having three single figure losses compared to the home sides two, their extra game added to Roma Ware’s reaching 19 against Jean Thackrah gave them the advantage on points.

Ladies’ League 21 May and 23 May

It was a good week for South Ramsey where, although losing 3-6 to Mooragh Park on Wednesday they recorded a reasonable score and kept their opponent’s chalks down. On Friday they had a 6-3 win against Port St Mary with a margin of 20 points. On Wednesday Port St Mary won 8 games dropping just 7 points, the lone winner for Douglas being Brenda Williams. After a convincing win over Onchan mid-week, Peel Sunset played out a draw with Noble’s Mixed on Friday despite winning 6-3 on games, the Mixed wins were all to single figures. Although winning 5-4 on games at Port Erin, with their looses all to single figures Marown ended with a deficit of 20 points. Their week did not get much better as they were only able to field 8 players against Onchan, who were in the same position, giving a low scoring game with the home side in the ascendancy. .Friday night saw the clash between Castletown and Mooragh Park. In a hard fought match where every player reached double figures the home side had the advantage 6-3 on games while the visitors had a four point advantage on chalks.

Ladies’ League 16th May

South Ramsey found it hard going at Castletown where Kim Foy and Kath Kinley were on top form, while Onchan were unfortunately a player short against Purt le Moirrey. Mooragh Park were top scorers against Marown, where Mary Alderson and Lil Smith were the two winners for the home side. Although Peel Sunset won five games against Port St Mary they lost out on points while Port Erin were able to put the disappointment of the previous night behind them coming through 5-4 on games against Douglas. In a low scoring game Noble’s Mixed won 5-4 on games to beat Ballaugh by 10 points.

Jean Kelly Quarter-Finals

The quarter-finals of the Jean Kelly team handicap competition took place on Thursday 15th May.

MAROWN (+55) 171, PORT ST MARY (SCR) 180

Despite winning 7-2 on games, the two winners for Marown being Pat Withers and Mary Alderson, Port St Mary did not have it easy as Marown’s handicap made it a close match with the Southerner’s coming through by nine points.

NOBLE’S MIXED ( +25) 150, CASTLETOWN (+15) 168

Although close on games, Castletown winning 5-4, their four wins to single figures enabled them to overcome the difference in handicap, despite Rebecca Teare also winning to single figures, and go through to the semi-finals.

SOUTH RAMSEY ( +10) 193, PORT ERIN (+45) 157

Port Erin were unable to repeat their heroics of the first round as they took on the other Ramsey team, losing 7-2 on games with South Ramsey dropping just six points to their two winners, Mavis Franks and Phil Dobson.

DOUGLAS (+40) 187, PEEL SUNSET (+30) 189

This match went right down to the wire as Peel were two points ahead with two matches left on the green. Shirley Corrin edged out Pat Kelly 21-20 to increase the lead to three points with Pat Robertson and Muriel Cain still to finish. Pat reached 20 to give the match to Peel by just two points.

Ladies’ League Friday 9th May

C. Tarleton Hodgson Sponsored Ladies League

Port St Mary were at their most ruthless against Marown in the C. Tarleton Hodgson and Son Ltd sponsored ladies’ league on Friday 9th May, winning all nine games, five of them to single figures. It was a night when all the matches were a little one-sided. Noble’s Mixed came close to a maximum with Edwina Reid being the only winner for Purt le Moirrey although Dot Mylchreest nearly added a second reaching 20 against Rhona Argallon. Port Erin had a successful trip to play Onchan, with the home side only able to win two games courtesy of Jo Smith and Phyllis Gelling although the games were well fought with everyone reaching double figures. Mooragh Park could only win 5-4 on games against Ballaugh, but a combination of all their players reaching double figures and winning two games to single figures gave them a comfortable lead on points. South Ramsey won 6-3 against Peel with a good points advantage while Castletown’s narrow 5-4 win on games at Douglas was not reflected in the points difference.

Ladies’ League 2 May

Friday 2 May

Despite losing 4-5 on games Port St Mary had a comfortable win on points when they travelled to Ballaugh, with four of their players winning to single figures and no-one scoring less than 15 points. Two games went all the way with Tricia Bull and Rita Callister losing out 20-21 to Brenda Bowyer and Peggy Griffin. Shirley Whelan and Rosie Winckle were Marown’s two winners at South Ramsey while Moira Anderson edged out Mary Alderson 21-20.The Douglas v Onchan fixture was played at the Villa and was a tight affair, Douglas winning 5-4 on games with an advantage of just 8 points. Castletown had a successful trip west taking 6 games, two to single figures. Peel did not let them have it all their own way, also winning a game to single figures, and a good fight-back saw Shirley Corrin reaching 19 against Marie Ashurst. Noble’s Mixed also recorded a win on points despite going 4-5 down on games. Their wins were all to single figures, as was Voirrey Curphey’s for the home side, while Paula Firth reached 19 against Mavis Franks. Mooragh Park dropped just 10 points on their visit to Purt le Moirrey, the two winners for the home side being Amanda Lawler and Debra Cooper.

Postponed Jean Kelly Match

The postponed Jean Kelly match between Onchan and Port St Mary was played at Finch Hill on Thursday 1 May. Port St Mary proved too strong for Onchan winning 7 of the 9 games, Phyllis Gelling and Marilyn Ellison, to single figures, being the two winners for the home side. Despite Port St Mary winning five of their games to single figures, Onchan’s +55 handicap made it a close affair the victors coming through by just 8 points.

ONCHAN (+55) 159 (2), PORT ST MARY (SCR) 167 (7)

Ladies’ league 25 April

It was a miserable wet night for the C Tarleton Hodgson and Son Ltd ladies’ league on Friday 25 April. After their heroics in the Jean Kelly Competition on Wednesday night, Port Erin travelled north to meet Mooragh Park for a second time in the week. History was not to repeat itself as, on their own green, The home side proved too strong for their visitors, winning 6-3 on games. The three winners for Port Erin were Sylvia Maddrell, Voirrey Curphey and Caroline Whitehead who won to single figures, as did three of the home team. Onchan were unfortunately a player short on their trip to Noble’s Mixed, and fell just short of 100 points as the home side piled on the pressure winning six games, three to single figures. The winners for Onchan were Heather Reynolds, Viv Rush and Phyllis Gelling who edged out Sylvia Kennaugh 21-19.Port St Mary did not have it all their own way against Purt le Moirrey coming through 5-4 in a low scoring match with the home team winning two games to single figures and the visitors one.The games all went to double figures at South Ramsey where the home side had a 6-3 advantage on games. For Ballaugh Voirrey Oates reached 19 against Casey Bolton while Maureen Trustham was pipped 21-20 by Jenny Moore. Peel Sunset showed the value of fighting for every point as despite losing 7-2 on games to Douglas they recorded a reasonable score with three games going to 19 and one to 18.Heather Horsburgh and Joyce Kelly, to single figures, were the two winners for the visitors. Castletown were too strong for Marown, winning six games, three to single figures. The winners for Marown were Celia Joughin, Lil Smith who edged out Kim Foy 21-19 and Mary Alderson who won to single figures.

Jean Kelly Preliminary Round

The preliminary round of the Jean Kelly Took place on Wednesday 23 April, The game between Onchan and Port St Mary had to be postponed because of a water-logged green at Finch Hill.

PORT ERIN (+40) 186, MOORAGH PARK (Scr) 146

The holders, Mooragh Park, travelled to Port Erin where things didn’t go their way, the home side winning five of the nine games with three of their players winning to single figures. With Chris Price also winning to singles figures the chalks ended all square at 146 each before Port Erin’s +40 handicap came into play to give them the match. There were some close games, particularly Caroline Whitehead edging out Jean Radcliffe 21-20.

CASTLETOWN (+10) 166, BALLAUGH (+45) 152

Castletown proved too strong for Ballaugh winning six games, five of them to single figures. Voirrey Oates and Christine MacDonald also won to single figures, Ann Gale being their other winner. With the score at 156-107 on the green even Ballaugh’s handicap advantage could not save them.

DOUGLAS (+40) 207, PURT LE MOIRREY (+60) 192

With Douglas winning six games, three of them to single figures, and their other three players reaching double figures, they went through by 15 points after the handicaps kicked in. A high point of the match was the game between Paula Garrett and Pauline Worrell, the home player scraping through 21-20.