News: Ladies Over 60’s

Family Fortunes for Moore and Kennish

South Ramsey Bowling Club hosted the Over 60’s any combination doubles competition sponsored by Corkhill and Callow Funeral Directors with a healthy entry of 24 pairs taking part on a superb surface on a glorious day. The competition was being played for the second time in its current format and was previously known as the Pro Tours Gold Cup.

At the quarter final stage Marown duo Lynda Cadamy and Joyce Ogden inflicted a heavy 21-6 defeat on home greeners Anthony Kelly and Richie Davies, while Chris Price (Port St Mary) and Les Brookes (Finch Hill) also won comfortably 21-10 against Ballaugh pair Pat Mason and Fred Waggett. In the other half of the draw Janet Monk and Steve Parker didn’t have far to travel from Mooragh Park as they overcame Paula Firth (Onchan) and Kevin Firth (Douglas) 21-17, whilst siblings Elaine Moore (South Ramsey) and Andy Kennish (Peel) seen off Derek Allen (Onchan) and Bernard Thackrah (Port St Mary) with a 21-13 win.

In the first semi-final Cadamy and Ogden got the better of Price and Brookes with a hard fought 21-18 win, while Moore and Kennish claimed their place in the final with a 21-14 victory over Monk and Parker.

The final was extremely well contested with Moore and Kennish being kept to singles early on, with Cadamy and Ogden scoring three doubles they built up a four-point lead at 14-10. The fightback from Elaine and Andy got underway when they levelled matters up at 15-15 with 17 ends played, having still not scored more than a single throughout the game. End 18 in the match was a key point in the match as they scored a three to lead 18-15 and then exchanged singles with their opponents over the next four ends to lead 20-17. Cadamy and Ogden weren’t done there as they capitalised on a poor end to score three to level things up at 20-20. With the mark being set along the edge of the green Kennish played a good second bowl which was good enough to secure a 21-20 win.

At the conclusion of the competition the presentation was made by South Ramsey Committee Member Geoff Collier, who thanked Corkhill and Callow Funeral Directors for once again sponsoring the competition, the club members who helped with the running of the competition and the Ladies for the refreshments provided throughout the day. Tim Pressley from Corkhill and Callow was then introduced to present the prizes.

Parker Wins George Hawkins Trophy

Bowling conditions could not have been better last Wednesday 18th when thirty-five bowlers competed at Mooragh Park in the 2nd George Hawkins Memorial Trophy.

Watched by George’s family throughout the opening rounds we saw some tremendous bowling with lots of games going the full distance.

The losing quarter finalists were Philippa Taylor against Brian Colquitt 13-21. Janet Monk against Steve Parker 17-21. David Callow against Mike Skelly 6-21 and Geoff Porter against Ray Skelly 15-21.

The semi-finals saw Brian Colquitt and Steve Parker playing a very close game with Steve winning 21-17 and in the other semi-Mike Skelly and Ray Skelly played well against each other but Mike won 21-14.

In the final Steve and Mike both played well but Steve managed to get in front and left too big a gap for Mike to fill.

Congratulations Steve on your win 21-14.

The prizes were presented by the sponsors Beryl Hawkins and family members in memory of George. Steve recalled his own happy memories of George and thanked everyone at North Ramsey for hosting the event and in particular he praised everyone connected with the vast improvement of the green and its preparation for this competition.

Maximums again in Ladies Over 60s

In the ladies Over 60s league last Tuesday morning, Castletown A scored a maximum away to Mooragh Park B with all games bar one being won to single figures. Peel won five games to one at home against Port St Mary B with the lone winner for PSM B being Lesley Corker winning to 17.  Port Erin A put in a strong performance away to Castletown B winning five games with Rita Callister and Steph Swift (PE) both winning to single figures. The following day, Port St Mary A hosted Mooragh Park A. Although Mooragh won four games to two, Port won the match by 11 points helped by Mavis Franks and Wendy Kennaugh (PSM) both winning to single figures. Last Thursday morning saw Onchan A record a maximum against their B team with Lynda Clarke and Dee Lewis (A) both winning to single figures. Port St Mary A also scored a maximum away to Mooragh Park B with the closest game being between Margaret Oxley (MP) against Wendy Kennaugh with the latter winning to 14. Ballaugh were at home to Peel winning four game to two and by 13 points. Closest game saw Brenda Bowyer (Ballaugh) just crossing the line to win 21-20 against Mary Moffatt,   Marown A also had a four-two win at home against Castletown B with Lynda Cadamy, Joyce Ogden and Mia Moore all winning to single figures for Marown. Port St Mary B played host to South Ramsey on Friday morning with the South ladies getting a full house. Closest games being Ann Gale and Moira Anderson (South) winning to 18 and 16 against Edwina Reid and Lesley Coker respectively. 

Ladies Open Age: Castletown A and South Ramsey ladies had good home wins last Wednesday night in the ladies open age league against Mooragh Park and Castletown B. Sisters Madison and Shannon McMullan both played well winning to 18 and 19 respectively for Mooragh with Alison Kearsley, Tracy Moore and Hannah Drewett all winning to single figures for Castletown. In the South v Castletown B match, best game of the night was between Sue Collier (South) and Linda Dobinson.  Both ladies played exceptionally well with Sue just getting the point needed to win 21-20. Ballaugh won their third match away to Peel by five games to four with Barbara Graham, Maria Dinsdale and Christine McDonald for Ballaugh all winning to single figures. Home derby between Marown B and Marown A resulted in a win for the A ladies by six games to three. Closest game was between Emily Cooper (B) and Philippa Taylor with the latter eventually winning to 18. Onchan were in strong form away to Port Erin winning seven games to two and by 60 points. Douglas hosted Port St Mary with five of the nine games being won to single figures. Best game of the match was Michelle Cowley (Douglas) just losing to 18 against Chris Holland.   

The Ladies Association Triples competition took place on Saturday at Marown attracting an entry of nine triples. Getting through to the final were Margie Tasker, Trish Bull and Mavis Franks (Port St Mary) against the Marown trio of Lil Smith, Jayne Smith and Rosie Winckle. The PSM ladies got off to a very strong start to lead 20-7 on the 11th end. Not ones for giving up, the Marown ladies pulled the deficit back to 16-20 courtesy of two fours and a single but it was a little too late with the Port ladies scoring the point they needed on the next end for a well deserved win. The presentation was made by Gill Morgan (Ladies Association Competition Secretary) who thanked Marown for hosting the event and providing excellent refreshments throughout the afternoon and to all who had entered.  

British Ladies Crown Green Club Championship: Last year’s Open Age winners Castletown A, travelled last weekend to the 2022 British Crown Green Ladies Club Championships held in Whitchurch, Shropshire. Championship was played in groups of four in a round robin format with the Castletown ladies playing their games on the smaller of the two adjacent greens. In the first game they came up against Pensby, but despite winning five of the eight games they lost 89-97 on chalks with the winners for Castletown being Hilary Kermode, Alison Kearsley, Kim Foy, Kath Kinley and Anne Oates. In their second game they played Wharton Cons and this proved a much tougher affair with only Hannah Drewett and Stella Watterson triumphing in a loss of 81-101. Unfortunately this meant the Castletown ladies did not progress any further but must be congratulated on their overall performance. 

Another maximum for Onchan A ladies in Over 60s league

Onchan A Over 60s ladies were again in fine form last Tuesday morning scoring another maximum away to Port Erin B.  Three of the six games were won to single figures with the closest game being Gwen Tuck (PE) against Paula Firth with the latter winning to 18.   Port Erin A also scored a maximum away to Onchan B with Caroline Whitehead (PE) just pipping Libbi Andrade to win 21-20.  Closest match of the morning was Finch Hill home against Mooragh Park A.   Although Finch Hill took five off the six games, they won by only 15 points.  On Wednesday morning, Port St Mary A hosted Castletown B winning five games to one dropping only three points.   On Thursday morning, another two maximums were scored, this time by Ballaugh and Castletown A. Ballaugh were at home to Mooragh Park B with the closest game being Elizabeth Morrison (Ballaugh) winning to15 against Irene Goodall.  Castletown A were in excellent form at home against Port St Mary A. Castletown won two games to single figures with Anne Hollingworth just crossing the line for Castletown winning to 19 against Mavis Franks.  Its not very often there is a match that finishes three all in games and equal on points, but this happened when Onchan A hosted Peel with all games going into double figures.  On Friday morning, Port St Mary B were at home to Port Erin B. Four of the six games were won to single figures with Steph Swift for PE just edging it 21-18 against Elaine Hawkins.  

In the Open Age League on Wednesday evening last week, Castletown A had a tough battle away to Port Erin.  Castletown won five games to four and by only two points.  Linda Dawson and Tracy Moore (Castletown) both won 21-20 against Jean Thackrah and Rita Callister respectively, as did Jacqui Elliot for Port against Kim Foy.  Another match which finished all square on points was Marown at home to South Ramsey.  Marown won five games to four with Kim Hargraves and Elaine Moore for South, plus Joyce Ogden for Marown all winning to single figures.  Castletown B also had a good home result against Douglas with Rachel Palmer (Castletown) just winning 21-20 against Jane Lothian. 

Preliminary round of the Jean Kelly Knockout competition was held last Thursday evening.  Mooragh Park, Marown A and B, and Castletown A, all won their matches. Therefore, quarter final line-up on Thursday 28 April is : Mooragh Park v Castletown B; Port St Mary v Marown A; Castletown A v Onchan, and Marown B v South Ramsey.

Callow & Moore Win Corkhill & Callow Over 60’s Any Combination Doubles

South Ramsey Bowling Club hosted an Over 60’s any combination doubles competition sponsored by Corkhill and Callow Funeral Directors with 16 pairs taking part on a superb surface on a fine day.The competition was last played for in 2011 and was previously known as the Pro Tours Gold Cup.

The quarter finals had the husband and wife pairing of Steve & Judy Kelly (South Ramsey) lose out 17-21 to Peel pair Dougie Allan and Gordon Corrin, whilst Elaine Moore (South Ramsey) and Kevin Firth (Douglas) were defeated 18-21 by Marown duo Philippa Taylor and Lynda Cadamy. The home green pairing of Richie Davies and Bryan Corner were well beaten 10-21 by Chris Price (Port St Mary) and Les Brookes (Noble’s). Rounding off the quarter finals South Ramsey’s James Moore and Bill Callow ensured it was the end of the road for Derek Allen (Onchan) and Lee Dawson (South Ramsey) with a 21-16 win to take their place in the next round.

In the first semi-final the ladies Taylor and Cadamy coasted through their game against Peel pair of Allan and Corrin only losing three ends, winning 21-10 to reach the final. Joining them in the final was home pair Moore and Callow, who themselves only lost four ends winning 21-13 against Price and Brookes. 

The final was extremely well contested with Moore and Callow taking three singles on the first three ends to lead 8-5, only for a swift response from Taylor and Cadamy to win three consecutive ends, scoring a two, a four and a single to lead 12-8 after six ends. Moore and Callow stepped up a couple of gears to take the next six ends scoring 12 points on the way to lead 20-12. Taylor and Cadamy hit back with a three and a double to make the score 17-20, only for Moore and Callow to score the single chalk they needed to take the victory.

At the conclusion of the competition the presentation was made by competition secretary Kim Hargraves, who thanked Corkhill and Callow Funeral Directors for sponsoring the competition, the club members who helped with the running of the competition and the Ladies for the refreshments provided throughout the day. Tim Pressley from Corkhill and Callow was then introduced to present the prizes.


South Ramsey had the first maximum of the season when they played Ballaugh at home. South had five players winning to single figures with Fiona Kennish having the best score winning to three. Barbara Graham and Maria Horder (Ballaugh) battled well against Jill Quayle and Sue Collier but couldn’t quite get over the finishing line with both losing to 16. Marown B had a tough game at home against Port Erin with Debbie Leece (Marown) and Voirrey Curphey (Port Erin) winning their games to single figures. Home derby between Castletown B and A nearly resulted in a full house for the A team but preventing this was Barbara Young (B) who won to 19 against Ann Oates. Another close game was between Douglas and Mooragh Park.  Douglas won by six points with Paula Garrett (Douglas) being the only player to win to single figures.  

Results : Marown B 147 (4), Port Erin 157 (5); Castletown B 110 (1), Castletown A 187 (8); Port St Mary A 149 (6), Onchan 133 (3); Douglas 162 (5), Mooragh Park 156 (4); Peel Sunset 135 (3), Marown A 175 (6); South Ramsey 189 (9), Ballaugh 94 (0).

Over 60s league : its not very often there is a match where games and points are tied but last Thursday it happened again having already been done three weeks earlier when Marown played Port St Mary A.  This time Port St Mary A played their B team with Wendy Kennaugh (A) and Edwina Reid (B) both winning to single figures. Closest game was between Chris Price (A) and Chris Holland with Holland winning to 18.  Onchan A had a good home win against Castletown A with all games going into double figures. Maureen Payne (Onchan) just managed to beat Hilary Kermode to 20 with Sue Peach (Castletown) edging out Dee Lewis to 19.  Ballaugh had the only maximum of the morning winning to 54 against Mooragh Park B. 

Results : Ballaugh 126 (6), Mooragh Park B 54 (0); Onchan A 120 (4), Castletown  A 108 (2); Castletown B 104 (4), Onchan B 89 (2); Port St Mary 97 (3), Port St Mary B 97 (3); Mooragh Park A 90 (1), Peel Sunset 115 (5); Finch Hill 104 (4), Port Erin A 108 (2);  Marown 91 (3), South Ramsey 95 (3)

On Tuesday morning Castletown B travelled to Ramsey for their game against Mooragh Park B.  Castletown B came away with a good 4-2 win, but may have made it 5-1 as Sheila Preston (Castletown) just lost out 20-21 to Anne Kean.  Hilary Cooke and Pat Rigby (Castletown) were the only players to win to single figures.  Peel Sunset also had a very good match at home to Marown A winning by only 3 points.  Best score for Peel was Lynda Wilson winning to 13 with Philippa Taylor (Marown) winning to single figures. 

Results : Onchan B 79 (2), Port St Mary A 114 (4); Port Erin 112 (4), Ballaugh 109 (2); Mooragh Park B 91 (2), Castletown B 120 (4); Port St Mary B 83 (3) Onchan A 109 (3); Castletown A 113 (5), Mooragh Park A 75 (1); South Ramsey 123 (5), Finch Hill 81 (1); Peel Sunset 106 (4), Marown 103 (2)

The last of the Jean Kelly competition quarter finals was played last Thursday between Marown B/Peel Sunset. Peel won 6-3 and by 23 points.

Elaine Moore Wins George Hawkins Memorial Trophy

North Ramsey hosted the inaugural George Hawkins Trophy in beautiful sunshine and perfect conditions all day on Wednesday 12th May at Mooragh Park.

George was a member of North Ramsey for a long number of years and many of the competitors that took part remembered him with great fondness. North Ramsey Bowling Club are very proud to add this over 60’s competition to their programme at the request and sponsorship of George’s family who were present around the green, offering support for most of the day.

A large entry of 56 bowlers came from all over the Island and after some very close matches the final eight took to the green in the quarter finals. George Foy (Castletown) had a great game against Dougie Allan (Peel) alongside South Ramsey’s Lee Dawson and Bryan Corner with both games ending 21-14. Janet Monk (Mooragh Park) played well against Elaine Moore (South Ramsey) in a close match losing 17-21 and Craig Sims (North Ramsey) lost out to Andy Kennish (Peel) 8-21.

In the semi-finals Elaine Moore had a comfortable win against club mate Lee Dawson 21-8 alongside Andy Kennish who won against George Foy 21-10.

The final between brother and sister was predicted to be a good game and it didn’t disappoint. Elaine got off to a flying start playing some tremendous bowls, but Andy is a master at the game and was not going to give in without a fight and he quickly pulled back the score to leave them neck and neck going into the final few ends of the game. When they reached 19 across it was impossible to predict who would win but Elaine just managed to claim the last 2 points to be the first ever winner of the George Hawkins Memorial Trophy.

The prizes were presented by George’s family who thanked North Ramsey for organising such a great competition and everyone for taking part.

Maximums galore

Tuesday morning saw four out of the seven matches getting maximums of 126 points.  The closest match was between Mooragh Park A playing Finch Hill. Although the match was three all in games, Finch Hill won on points. Overall score : Mooragh Park A 86 (3), Finch Hill 97 (3).

Results : Castletown A 125 (6), Onchan B 50 (0); Marown 126 (6), Port Erin A 58 (0); Onchan A 118 (5), Ballaugh 78 (1); Port St Mary A 126 (6), Castletown B 42 (0); South Ramsey 124 (5), Port St Mary B 75 (1); Peel Sunset 126 (6), Mooragh Park B 26 (0).

Castletown A Open With Highest Score

The first set of fixtures in the Over 60s Ladies League was played on Tuesday morning.   Although the Over 60s league has lost two teams this season (Douglas and Port Erin B), the league has gained a new team (Onchan B). The closest match on points was between Finch Hill and Onchan A.  Jan Osborne for Finch Hill won to single figures, as did Paula Firth and Dee Lewis for Onchan A.  

Results :Ballaugh92114Port St Mary A(1-5)
 Onchan B80117Peel Sunset(2-4)
 Port St Mary B83123Castletown A(2-4)
 Mooragh Park B61121Marown(1-5)
 Castletown B70107South Ramsey(2-4)
 Finch Hill7798Onchan A(2-4)
 Port Erin87110Mooragh Park A(2-4)

On looking at individual results from the above, it is encouraging for the game of crown green bowls to see quite a few junior lady bowlers playing in the Open Age league and new adult bowlers playing in the Open Age league and Over 60s ladies league.  I sincerely hope they enjoy the experience and camaraderie of a great sport.

Victory for Marown

The last remaining ladies over 60s bowls match was played on Thursday at Port St Mary in sunny but blustery conditions. For the past few weeks teams from across the Island have been competing for a place in the final of the JMS Veterans Shield and the successful teams were Marown and Finch Hill.

Both teams have players who are extremely talented and experienced so it was predicted to be a very close match. In the first half Margaret Scarffe for Marown played Moire Turner for Finch Hill with Moire taking an early lead in the first 4 ends but Margaret fighting back to take the jack scoring valuable points for Marown until Moire reclaimed the jack to pull ahead and at one point was 5-14 up. Margaret responded with true grit and determination to reduce the lead but the game ended with a win for Finch Hill 13-21.

Alongside them another game was in progress with Elaine Dewhurst for Marown up against Iris Kermode for Finch Hill. Elaine got off to a slow start but then dominated the game with some great shots scoring 2 points on several ends. Iris, trying her hardest, just couldn’t catch up once Elaine pulled ahead and the game finished 21-7. Also on the green were Shirley Whelan for Marown and Elaine Vincent for Finch Hill. Both players had a good game with each of them scoring maximum points on several ends but it was Shirley who pulled ahead after 10 ends having consistently won back the jack to maintain her lead and preventing Elaine from catching up. The game ended 21-12 and another win for Marown. At the halfway stage Marown led by 2-1 but its points that win prizes and Finch Hill were ahead by 5. (75-80).

The second half was crucial for Marown. Philippa Taylor and Rosemary Winkle knew they had to win to single figures and they didn’t disappoint any of their supporters. Both opposition players had some great shots and really played well to try to gain points but the experience of Philippa and Rosemary proved too much and both games gave Marown the single figure wins they needed.

The final game was between the team captains Celia Joughin and Jan Osborne and with the excitement mounting from supporters lining the green the players went end to end in a very close game that could have gone either way. Finch Hill had provided strong opposition for Marown from the start and this game was no exception. Each of the captains were a credit to their team and fully deserved the “all but across” cry from the markers. Final score 21-20.

The match ended with Marown the winners 138-130 and this years JMS Veterans Shield champions.
Presentations were made by Janet Latham who explained that the origins of the JMS are from her family initials and the trophy will be continue through her grandson who bears the same initials. Thanks were given to Port St Mary bowling club for hosting the match and all of the many supporters who came to watch.

This report concludes the summer fixtures for 2020 but bowls continues to be played throughout the winter in the Outdoor League which starts with a Round Robin on Saturday 3rd October.