News: Ladies Over 60’s

Maximum points for Nobles Over 60’s

Nobles hosted Mooragh Park B and happily took maximum points 126 V 40 (6-0)  Mooraghs Chris Simms came the closest to taking a game, just losing out to 17.

Finch Hill also took maximum points against Castletown B 126 V 60 (6-0) with Jan Osborne, Brenda Williams and Mary O’Conner all winning by single figures.

Results: Port Erin B 121 V 92 Castletown B (5-1), South Ramsey 120 V 80 Onchan A (4-2), Finch Hill 122 V 92 Ballagh (5-1), Douglas A 82 V 121 Marown (3-3), Castletown A 110 V 86 Port St Mary A (4-2).

Marown Over 60’s stretch their top of the table lead

Marown took a trip to Nobles on 27th June, and played their usual fine form. Take the games 5-1 and only drop 1 point. Jane Robinson secured Nobles’ only win 21-20. Nobles 68- 125 Marown.

In second spot on the table saw Castletown A 126 V 44 Onchan(6-0) . Castletown Played a perfect home green taking maximum points. Winning 4 of the games to single figures. 

In current third and fourth place on the table saw South Ramsey take on Mooragh B team 126 v 40 (6-0) and winning to maximum points keeps them in reach of Mooragh A. 

Mooragh A welcomed the strong Ballaugh team where Ballagh took the games 2-4. Janet Monk (Mooragh Park) and teammate Janice Pilling both won by single figures. This gave Mooragh Park A the win 105 v 93

Port Erin A 113 v 101 Port St Mary A(3-3, Douglas A v Port Erin B (4-2)

No maximum points on the second games of the week. Castletown B hosted Douglas A with Sheila Preston Taking Castletowns only win 21-2. Castletown B 73 V 107 Douglas B (1-5). 

It was the Mooragh Park derby with the B team hosting. Mary Bruce (Mooragh Park B) took a 21-11 win. But with the A team on top form and Janice Pilling securing a 21-0 win, the final score went to the A team. Mooragh Park B 52 V 116 Mooragh Park A (1-5). 

Ballaugh 101 V 92 Nobles (3-3), Marown 121 V 52 Finch Hill (5-1), Peel Sunset 76 V 105 South Ramsey (3-3), Port Erin A 87 V 121 Castletown A (2-4).

On Friday 30th Mooragh Park A 97 V 79 Peel Sunset (4-2) Not many points were achieved in this game. For the Park side again Janet Monk and Janice Pilling won to single points. As did Sue Jones and Joyce Kelly for Peel Sunset.

Nobles Ladies Over 60’s take maximum points

On the 15th June Castletown B hosted Nobles where Nobles were on their top form taking maximum points, with an impressive 0-6 win 46 v 126. The only home team to win this day was Marown 118 v 75 Morragh Park (5-1), Port St Mary played the following day winning 101-86 Douglas A (3-3),  Ballaugh 90 v 117 South Ramsey (2-4), Port Erin B 82 v 107 Finch Hill (2-4), Peel Sunset 97 v 117 Castletown A (3-3), Onchan A 66 v 115 Port Erin A (1-5).

Peel Sunset defeat Onchan on away game

On Tuesday 23rd May I was welcomed at Onchan to some glorious sunshine to watch Onchan take on Peel Sunset. The hosts were very welcoming and the cup of tea and biscuit was very much appreciated. The 1st 3 games showed that the green was running well, with a couple of the jacks going off the green. At half way the sunsets were leading 37-60 and winning 2 of the 3 games played. Norma Cowell (Onchan) and Terri Berry (Peel Sunset) had to be the game of the match. Playing a total of 32 ends Norma came out with the win 21-18. Norma raced ahead at the start and after just 10 ends was 11-3. Terri got a hang of the faster green and at 22 ends had levelled the game to 14-14, where with just single points awarded the game stayed level up to the 28th end at 17-17. Terri scored a single the next end, But the skilled Norma took two singles and a two on the final end to take the win. Onchan took all the other 3 wins, but with the sunset side all scoring 18, 18 and 19 this was enough to give the away team the overall match win. Onchan 100 v 115 Peel Sunset (4-2), Mooragh Park A 126 v 48 Port Erin B (6-0), Nobles 106 v 65 Douglas A (4-2), Castletown A 126 v 81 Ballaugh (6-0), Finch Hill 101 v 100 Port St Mary A (4-2), Port Erin A 126 v 50 Mooragh Park B (6-0), South Ramsey 115 v 63 Castletown B (5-1)

The second games of the week saw Onchan venture down south to take on Port St Mary A. With the Port St Mary side on good form. Only dropping 1 game and 1 point. Leslie Nicholl was the sole Onchan winner just coming through 21-20. All of the Onchan ladies fought hard and all reached double figures in their games. Final scores: Port St Mary A 125 v 80 Onchan A (5-1), Mooragh Park B 54 v 116 Castletown A (1-5), Port Erin B 71 v 109 Nobles (1-5), Marown 118 v 106 South Ramsey (4-2), Peel Sunset 104 v 103 Port Erin A (3-3), Castletown B 108 v 118 Mooragh Park A (4-2), Douglas A 86 v 100 Finch Hill (2-4).

Nobles Over 60’s win at home to Port St Mary A

Tuesday 16th May was a perfect day for me to visit Nobles, who welcomed the southern side to their green. The weather was perfect and sitting in the sun was lovely. There were some really good games played and the green was running lovely and is a credit to the green keepers. My game of the match has to be Dee Lewis V Trisha Bull. Dee had the home green to her advantage and made a good lead on Trish. As we all know Trish, she wasn’t about to give up lightly, and managed to get her hands on the jack. But Dee had too much of a lead and finished off the game 21-15. Nobles took the win 113-79 (5-1) Wendy Kennaugh the sole Port St Mary A winner 21-8.

Second placed on the League table Ballaugh enjoyed a great visit to Onchan A. Where Ali Millard had a lovely 21-4 win to help secure her team’s win. Onchan A 88 v 112 Ballaugh (2-4)

Results: Peel Sunset 114 v 67 Mooragh Park B (5-1), Mooragh Park A 102 v 83 Finch Hill (3-3), Port Erin A 85 v 121 Marown (1-5), South Ramsey 116 v 73 Douglas A (5-1), Castletown A 126 v 49 Castletown B (6-0)

Later in the week Nobles ventured to Finch Hill. I’m disappointed that I didn’t make it to watch this close game. Finch Hill 102 v 99 Nobles (3-3) Looking at the results this was pretty even in games with 3 each and each side having a 21-9 win. But Finch Hill took the overall win by just 3 points.

The other close game of the day was Port Erin B 101 v 108 South Ramsey (3-3) Lots of close games and both sides having a 21-10 win. The Ramsey side just coming out on top by just 7 points.

Results: Marown 114 v 74 Castletown A (5-1), Mooragh Park A 79 v 117 Onchan A (1-5), Ballagh 122 v 103 Port Erin A (5-1), Douglas A 79 v 107 Mooragh Park A (2-4), Port St Mary A 89 v 114 Peel Sunset (2-4)

South Ramsey O60’s encounter two close games

Games commenced on Tuesday 9th May with some good scoring, with the closest game of the day being South Ramsey hosting Nobles. With the away team Nobles coming out on top by just 8 points and drawing 3-3 on games. The closest game was South Ramseys Judy Kelly 21-19 against Marilyn Ellison. Nobles Paula Firth and Libby Andrade both won to single figures to help secure their team the win. South Ramsey 91 v 99 Nobles (3-3)

In the second games of the week, South Ramsey had another close encounter. But this time coming out on top, winning by a close 7 points when they visited Finch Hill. Again games were drawn 3-3. Mary O’Conner (Finch Hill) won 21-1, but South Ramsey dug deep and all their winning games were won to single figures and reaching 18 and 14 in the other games gave them enough points for the win. Finch Hill 89 v 96 South Ramsey (3-3)

The rest of the result were: Castletown A 116 v 72 Douglas A (5-1), Peel Sunset 94 v 107 Marown (3-3), Onchan A 105 v 60 Castletown B (5-1), Port Erin A 123 v 62 Port Erin B (5-1), Mooragh Park B 46 v 113 Ballaugh (1-5), Port St Mary A 80 v 102 Mooragh Park A (2-4), Mooragh Park B 82 v 108 Port St Mary A (2-4), Castletown B 64 v 126 Port Erin A (0-6), Port Erin B 85 v 106 Castletown A (2-4), Ballaugh 92 v 108 Peel Sunset (2-4), Nobles 87 v 102 Mooragh Park A (3-3), Marown 115 v 70 Onchan A (4-2)

Full House for Peel Sunset O60’s

Peel Sunset played hosts to Port Erin B 126-45 (6-0) Where they only gave away 45 points. Linda Wilson was top player for the west side winning 21-2. The only player to reach double figures for the Port Erin team was Kay Primrose Smith losing 14-21 to Terry Berry.

Ballaugh played Marown 71-116(1-5) The lone winner for the Ballaugh side was Pat Mason 21-11. Joyce Ogden and Philippa Taylor both won by single figures 21-2 and 21-8.

The home teams weren’t having much luck today. When Port Erin A welcomed Finch Hill 77-124 (1-5) Sue Rickets (Port Erin A) just beat Ann Hon 21-19 to put a stop to Finch Hill claiming a full sweep. Whilst Port Erin A’s Jean Thackrah 18-21 and Jenny Cain 19-21 just didn’t quite got over the finish line.

Mooragh Park B had a visit from the south with Castletown B 99-106 (3-3) where they drew on games, but just lost out by 7 points for the match. The closest game being Frances Radcliffe 19-21 Shiela Preston.

Onchan A welcomed Douglas A 88-105 (3-3) which was another draw in games with Douglas A taking the win by 17 points. Maureen Payne (Onchan A) just held off Paula Garrett (Douglas A) 21-20

Port St Mary A travelled the furthest today to play South Ramsey where the visiting team won 86-115 (1-5)  These games were a lot closer. With Edwina Reid taking a 21-9 win.

The closest game of the day was Castletown A v Nobles 108-106 (3-3) with Nobles level on 3 games each claiming all the points they could, but just lost out by 2 points for the match. This would have to be the game of the day, with all players reaching double figures. 

Douglas A hosted Port Erin A 67-118 (2-4) Unfortunately the Douglas A side were a player short and the southside took full advantage.

Marown v Mooragh Park B 119-50 (5-1) Francis Radcliffe was the lone winner for Mooragh Park B.

Mooragh Park A had South Ramsey pop over the other side of town for 93-96 (2-4) This was the closest game of the day with South Ramsey winning by just 3 points. Gillian Jopson won 21-20 Maureen Hamilton

Port Erin B 109 v 95 Onchan A (4-3) This had a couple of good wins for both teams and also a couple of close games.

Castletown B with a player short hosted Peel Sunset. The Peel side held onto this advantage to come off eventual winners 67-121 (1-5) Linda Dobinson held onto a win for the home team.

Finch Hill 98 v 114 Castletown A (2-4) Finch Hill dug deep against the strong Castletown A team and all managed to reach double figures in their games. With Jan Osborne 21-16 and Elaine Vincent 21-14 winning their games for the Finch Hill side.

Port St Mary A v Ballaugh 99-60 (4-2) Port St Mary A were in full control of this game winning all their games to single figures, as did Julie Reilly for the Ballaugh side.

Close win for Nobles by just 3 points

Onchan A v Nobles 79-82 (3-3)  With nobles 1 player short they had to dig deep, Paula Firth and Sue Gawne helped the case by winning 21-3 and 21-5. The game’s finished drawn at  3-3. But Nobles took the overall win by just 3 points.

Marown took advantage of castletown being a player short to take the win against Castletown B 115-68 (4-2) Judith Moore for Castletown B just lost out to Joyce Ogden 21-19. 

Port Erin A v Mooragh Park A 101-107 (3-3) This was another close game of the day, with the Visitors Mooragh Park A just edging the win by 6 points. Rita Callister for Port Erin A just lost 20-21 to Karen McGurgan. Mooragh Park’s Janet Monk won 21-6 and Port Erin’s Caroline Whitehead 21-09.

Ballaugh hosted Port Erin B 121-73 (5-1) Ballaugh were close to a full house, but Susan Inch from Port Erin B took a 21-16 win to put a halt on that.

Iris Kermode also stopped Peel Sunset winning all their games against Finch Hill 121-85 (5-1) with a 21-16 win over Peel’s Cath Parker. Beverley Wilson gained her first O60’s win for the Peel side.

The third 5-1 game of the day was at Mooragh Park where the B team played Douglas A 58-109 (5-1) Mary Bruce was the lone winner to single figures, as were Paula Garrett, Pauline Cowley and Lin Ruscoe for Douglas A.

Castletown A v South Ramsey 77-110 (2-4) Anne Oates for the home side won 21-9 and Sue Peach managed to just hold off Moira Anderson 21-17. The Ramsey side winners were Ann Gale, Gillian Jopson, Sue Collier and Elaine Moore.

Later in the week Castletown B v Ballaugh 107-114 (2-4) This game could have gone either way with lots of close results. Castletown B winners Linda Dobson 21-19, Pat Rigby 21-11 and Ballaugh’s Maureen Trustham 21-14, Michelle Cubbon 21-12, Julie Reilly 21-20, Brenda Bowyer 21-19.

Mooragh Park A v Castletown A 99-112 (2-4) Where Castletown A fought to the end with both Elaine McElroy and Hillary Kermode both winning 21-20.

Douglas A hosted Peel Sunset in a very close set of games with both teams having a 21-13 win and a 21-2 win. But with Lin Ruscoe for the Douglas side winning 21-6 and Shirley Corrin from Peel 21-9. Douglas A took the win by just 3 points.

Marown v Port St Mary A 112-90 (4-2) Phillippa Taylor was on a roll this week clocking up a good 21-4 win to help her team take the win. The rest of the games were a lot closer reaching double figures.

Finch Hill were all over Onchan A winning 115-62 (4-2) With Lil Smith and Ann Hon for Finch Hill both winning 21-2 and Mary O’Conner winning 21-3. Maureen Payne for Onchan just managed to hold off Jan Osbourne 21-20

Port Erin B v Mooragh Park B 115-76 (4-2) Mooragh Park B winners were Fances Radcliffe and Gillian Malpass. Gwen Tuck and Kay Primrose-Smith both had good wins for the Port Erin side to help secure them the overall win. 

Nobles were unfortunate to be a player short for the second time this week when they were hosts to Port Erin A who took full advantage. Sue Gawne for Nobles won 21-6. But Jenny Cain Port Erin won 21-3 and they secured the win. Nobles 83 – 101 Port Erin A (3-3)

Marown Ladies O60s reach maximum points

On Tuesday 18th Ladies O60’s games saw sunshine with Marown hosting Douglas A  126-79 (6-0) Lyn Ruscoe and Sue McCourt for Villa both reaching 19 in their games. Celia Joughin and Lynda Cadamy at Marown both winning to single figures.

Castletown B v Port Erin B 120-85 (5-1) with Wyn Collister Port Erin just losing out to Pauline Moore 21-20. Gwen Tuck was the only Port Erin side to take a 21-15 win. 

Finch Hill travelled up to Ballaugh where this game ended a close 94-78 (4-2) to Ballaugh. Lil Smith and Sue Caley were Finch Hill’s winners 21-6 and 21-4. Ballaugh’s winners Julie Reilly 21-11, Rose Waterworth 21-6, Alison Millard 21-18 and Brenda Bowyer 21-1.

Peel Sunset’s visitors were Mooragh A 119-77 (5-1) Janet Monk 21-14 taking the only win for the Ramsey side. Mooragh Park B team played home to Nobles where they had to give Noble’s a game. 51-114 (2-4) Gill Malpass 21-16 and Mary Bruce 21-14 were the Mooragh winners. Nobles won all their games to single fingers. Onchan A v South Ramsey 97-99 (3-3) This was the closest game of the day won by just 2 points. Wendy McDowell just losing out 20-21 to South Ramsey’s Sue Collier.

On Wednesday 19th Port St Mary A hosted Castletown A 80-96 (2-4) Margaret Tasker at Port St Mary A had a  21-0 win and Hilary Kermode Castletown A won  21-2.

Thursday 20th was also blessed with sunshine and saw Port Erin B host Marown 70-120 (1-5) Where Sue Rickets at Port Erin stopped Marown from scoring another maximum of the week by winning her game 21-15. Nobles v Peel Sunset 109-96 (3-3) Paula Firth at Noble’s just lost 20-21 and Carloine Corlett 18-21. South Ramsey hosted Port Erin A 108-72 (5-1) Caroline Whitehead at Port Erin A was the lone winner for the southern side winning 21-3. Douglas v Ballagh 96-108 (3-3) Where Julie Reilly for the visitors just lost her game 21-20. Mooragh Park A played visiting team Onchan A 108-62 (4-2) where all but Lynn Mayers 18-21 Anne Bannan game were won to single figures. Finch Hill scored maximum points against Mooragh Park B 126-42 (6-0) with Lil Smith winning 21-1.

The final game of the week saw Port St Mary A v Castletown B 113-50 (5-1) Susan Kerruish 21-8 put a stop to Port St Mary A claiming all the games and giving Castletown B their only win of the day.

Maximum points for South Ramsey O60 Ladies

South Ramsey didn’t have far to travel to Mooragh Park where they scored maximum points 41-
126 (0-6). Sue Collier, Judy Kelly, Elaine Moore and Jill Quayle all won to single figures. Mary Bruce was the highest scorer for Mooragh Park.
There were two close games this week Castletown B v Finch Hill 96-94. Unfortunately Finch Hill
had to give a game away (3-3), and Port Erin B v Douglas A 97-82 (3-3). Castletown winners were
Linda Dobinson 21-11, Elaine McElroy 21-10 and Sue Kerruish 21-10. Finch Hill winners were Mary
O’Connor 21-8, Elaine Vincent 21-15 and Iris Kermode 21-10. Port Erin winners were Joan Rider 21-
11, Sue Rickets 21-8 and Sue Wilshaw had the Walkover. Douglas Winners Kay McKierman
21-10, Lin Ruscoe 21-9 and Gillian Christian 21-15.
Marown hosted Nobles 119-96 (4-2) Sylvia Kennaugh held off Rosie Winkle 21-20 in a very
close game. Dee Lewis also won her game for Nobles.
Castletown A traveled to Onchan. Onchan 55-121 Castletown A(1-5) where they were held off
scoring maximum points by Wendy McDowell for Onchan winning 21-16.
Ballaugh v Mooragh A 117-88 (4-2). Ballaugh’s Brenda Bower won her game to single figures.
Port St Mary A hosted Port Erin A 50-100 (1-5) where Margaret Tasker was the lone winner for
Port St Mary winning her game 21-4.

In the second games of the week for the O60s Ladies, Finch Hill 68 – 98 hosted Marown where
Marown took the win. With Finch Hill winning just two of the games and all the games were won to
single figures for both teams. Douglas A v Castletown B 110-115 (2-4). Castletown B won by just 5 points with some very close games, both teams taking a 21-20 win and Castletown having a 21-19 and 21-17 wins. South Ramsey v Peel 120-57 (4-2). South Ramsey’s Moira Anderson had a 21-4 win to help
keep peels points down. The winners for Peel were Terry Berry 21-7 and Val Allwood 21-11.
Castletown A v Port Erin A 120-57 (5-1). Port Erin’s Jean Thackrah took the only win for Port
Erin 21-15, whilst Castletown’s Kath Kinley, Sue Peach, Kim Foy and Barbara Young all won
their games to single figures. Nobles v Ballaugh 122-99 (4-2). This was a great game for Nobles as they only dropped 4 points in total. With Libby Andrade and Marilyn Ellison both scoring 19 against Ballaugh’s winners Rosie Waterworth and Michelle Cubbon. Port Erin B v Port st Mary A 67-124 (1-5). Port St Mary only dropped 2 points in this game with winners Mavis Franks, Brenda Hawkard and Margaret Tasker all winning to single figures, Steph Swift just managed to get a win 21-19 beating Edwina Reid.