News: Ladies

Ruby Keggen picks up 1st Win

Castletown B picked up an impressive win at home against Douglas with youngster Ruby Keggen following in the footsteps of her parents and taking her first win having only played 3 games previously. Barbara Young won 21-0. Paula Garrett fought back with a 2-21 win for the Douglas side. Castletown B 139-138 Douglas (5-4).

Ruby Keggen picks up her first open age league win.

The top of the table clash between South Ramsey and Castletown A took place up north with the home side only losing out by just 9 points. Both sides had a couple of single figure wins, and it’s still all to play for at the top of the league table.

South Ramsey 142-151 Castletown A (3-6)

Mooragh Park 160-155 Nobles (4-5)

Port St Mary 94-183 Marown A (1-8)

Marown B 175-136 Ballaugh B (7-2)

Peel Sunset 162-143 Port Erin (5-4)

Ballaugh B play their 1st away game at Marown

The Night Ladies Open Age League had 2 games this week. Marown A were the only team to pick up maximum points against the newly formed Ballaugh B playing their 1st away game. All of the Ballaugh side scored points and they should be very happy as they all played extremely well playing on a new green for the 1st time. I’m sure it won’t be long before I’m recording their 1st win in my reports. 

Douglas 151-166 Castletown A (4-5)

Port St Mary 163-140 Peel Sunset (5-4)

Nobles 152-133 Port Erin (5-4)

Marown A 189-41 Ballaugh B (9-0)

Ballaugh A 165-131 South Ramsey (6-3)

Castletown B 137-154 Marown B (4-5)

The 2nd games of the week saw Mooragh Park head south to Port Erin which ended up a draw 160-160. Mooragh Park fought hard to gain the draw with a loss of 6 games to 3, there was some very close games. Jenny Cain (PE) 21-20 Pat Lenton (Mooragh) Mavis Franks (PE) 21-20 Janice Pilling (Mooragh) and Sue Wilshaw (PE) 21-19 Bailey McMullan (Mooragh).

Lets hope we manage to have some sunshine for our next set of games.

Marown B 84-187 South Ramsey (2-7)

Ballaugh B 110-170 Nobles (1-8)

Peel Sunset 179-111 Castletown B (8-1)

Castletown A 166-156 Marown A (6-3)

Douglas 135-152 Ballaugh A (4-5)

Port Erin 160-160 Mooragh Park (6-3)

South Ramsey take Highest score of night in Ladies Open Age League

On an extremely wet night Peel Sunset hosted South Ramsey 100 V 181 (1-8)  with Joyce Kelly taking the homesides only win 21-13.

Mooragh Park fought hard against the visitors Nobles 123 V 156 (3-6) with the McMullan sisters Madison and Bailey both winning by single figures. 

Marown A welcomed Castletown B 174 V 97 (8-1) Linda Dawson took the only win for Castletown 21-6.

Marowns B team ventured to Ballagh, Where the strong Ballagh side took the game 166 V 128 (5-4) 

Port Erin played Port St Mary 132 V 168 (4-5) 4 of Port St Mary wins were to single figures with Trish Bull taking the 5th 21-19.

Castletown A 178 V 108 Douglas (7-2) The Douglas side will be happy taking 2 games off the Southside on their home green. Jane Lothian 21-14 and Graiagh Smith 21-17.

Annihilation at Castletown Derby

The Ladies Open Age League played two games last week, which was a Castletown Derby, The A team played host to their B team. Angela Quayle for the B team was the only player to reach Double figures. The A team were happy to add the maximum points to their league table. Castletown A 189 v 54 Castletown B (9-0)

The rest of the results: Mooragh Park 168 v 119 Douglas (6-3), Marown B 142 v 163 Port St Mary (3-6), Peel Sunset 100 v 173 Marown A (1-8), Ballaugh 118 v 182 South Ramsey (1-8), Port Erin 128 v 183 Nobles (1-8)

In the second games of the week Peel Sunset hosted Mooragh Park. These games were all close with the result being Peel Sunset 163 v 138 Mooragh Park (6-3) Peel Sunsets Celia Smith won 21-9 and Joyce Kelly 21-8, along with Louise Horsfall 21-14, Beverly Wilson and Shirley Corrin both with 21-12 wins. Annette Barrett just managed a 21-20 win over Olivia Johnson. Mooragh Park winners were Maureen Hamilton 21-16, Maddie McMullen 21-13 and Janet Monk 21-8.

The rest of the results: South Ramsey 181 v 97 Marown B (7-2), Marown A 187 v 85 Port Erin (8-1), Port St Mary 180 v 121 Douglas (7-2), Castletown A 176 v 114 Nobles (7-2), Ballaugh 187 v 94 Castletown B (8-1)

South Ramsey O60’s encounter two close games

Games commenced on Tuesday 9th May with some good scoring, with the closest game of the day being South Ramsey hosting Nobles. With the away team Nobles coming out on top by just 8 points and drawing 3-3 on games. The closest game was South Ramseys Judy Kelly 21-19 against Marilyn Ellison. Nobles Paula Firth and Libby Andrade both won to single figures to help secure their team the win. South Ramsey 91 v 99 Nobles (3-3)

In the second games of the week, South Ramsey had another close encounter. But this time coming out on top, winning by a close 7 points when they visited Finch Hill. Again games were drawn 3-3. Mary O’Conner (Finch Hill) won 21-1, but South Ramsey dug deep and all their winning games were won to single figures and reaching 18 and 14 in the other games gave them enough points for the win. Finch Hill 89 v 96 South Ramsey (3-3)

The rest of the result were: Castletown A 116 v 72 Douglas A (5-1), Peel Sunset 94 v 107 Marown (3-3), Onchan A 105 v 60 Castletown B (5-1), Port Erin A 123 v 62 Port Erin B (5-1), Mooragh Park B 46 v 113 Ballaugh (1-5), Port St Mary A 80 v 102 Mooragh Park A (2-4), Mooragh Park B 82 v 108 Port St Mary A (2-4), Castletown B 64 v 126 Port Erin A (0-6), Port Erin B 85 v 106 Castletown A (2-4), Ballaugh 92 v 108 Peel Sunset (2-4), Nobles 87 v 102 Mooragh Park A (3-3), Marown 115 v 70 Onchan A (4-2)

South Ramsey top scorers on away win

Port Erin v South Ramsey 110-180 (2-7) The Ramsey side travelled south and won 4 of their 7  games to single figures, 21-9, 21-5, 21-7 and 21-8. The closest game of the evening was Port Erin’s Jenny Cain 21-20 win over Judy Kelly.

Marown A were home to Nobles scoring 168-119 (7-2) Where Nobles were unfortunate with Marowns Lynda Cadamy winning 21-19 against Grace Gawne and Rebecca Teare 21-18 to Sylvia Kennaugh. Nobles Paula Firth and Caroline Corlett were the Nobles winners.

Mooragh Park v Marown B 126-153 (3-6) After Marown having to give away a game, they still managed to come off eventual winners. Joyce Ogden won 21-1 to help her team secure the away win.

Castletown A v Port St Mary 172-121 (5-4)  Castletown A fought hard to keep themselves on the top of the table by reaching  13,17,18 and 19 in the games that they lost. Which helped them secure a good win. 

Peel Sunset reached double figures in all their games when they hosted Castletown B 161-138 (5-4) Joyce Kelly 21-1,  Gill Clarke and Louise Horsfall won 21-8 to give Peel their second win this season.

Ballaugh v Douglas 170-119 (5-4) Ballaugh scored a good home win, with Julie Reilly winning 21-8, Cath Harvey 21-1 and Julie Waterworth 21-3. For the Douglas side Paula Garrett just edged out Michelle Cubbon 21-19 as did Erin Quayle against Pat Mason 21-20

Eight – One scoreline for current top two teams

Ladies Open Age League Friday 21st April saw Castletown A keep their spot at the top of the table playing away to Douglas at the Villa 92-184 (1-8) with Paula Garrett at Douglas winning 21-16. Back down at Castletown the rain held off and saw the B team take on Marown A 83-186 (1-8) Rebekah Kelly Marown A picked up her 1st win playing for the A team 21-11 and Linda Dawson Castletown B  Played her home green well to win 21-18 to keep Marown A below their A team on the table. Nobles v Mooragh Park 153-129 (5-4) saw a mix of games. Five of which were won to single figures, whilst Victoria Johnson just held off Paula Firth at Nobles to win 21-18 as did Sue Gawne 21-18 against returning player Rosemary Quirk. I’m sure Mooragh Park are happy to see Rosemary returning back to the game. There wasn’t much travelling involved for Port St Mary 155 v 135 Port Erin (6-3) Nicola Cain and Margaret Tasker both won to single figures for the home team. Whilst the winners for Port Erin were Jean Thackrah, Jenny Cain and Caroline Whitehead. Marown B 124 v 154 Ballaugh (3-6) Both Rosemary Winckle and Junior bowler Grace Cooper won 21-4 whilst Joyce Ogden just held off Louise Tebay  21-20. Winners for the Ballaugh side were Rose Waterworth, Elaine Fenton, Julie Reilly, Michelle Cubbon, Cath Harvey and Maria Dimsdale. The final game of the evening saw South Ramsey welcome Peel Sunset 179-87 (8-1) Joyce Kelly won 21-11 for Peel Sunset. Jenny Moore, Lauren Groen, Gillian Dixon, Elaine Moore and Kim Hargraves all won to single figures for the South Ramsey side.

Maximum Points For Castletown A in Ladies open age crown green bowls league

Friday evening 14th April saw Castletown A host Marown B with an impressive 189 – 109 (9-0) win.
Celia Joughin and Elaine Dewhurst came close to ending Castletown A’s full house by reaching
19 and 18. Hannah Drewett, Ali Kearsley, Sue Peach and Kath Kinley all won to single figures.
Martha Butler for Marown B wasn’t fazed playing Hannah Drewett and scored an impressive 14.
Douglas traveled down to Port Erin for a close result with Port Erin winning 144-140 (6-3). The
Douglas youngsters are all coming on well and pushed Port Erin all the way to secure their win.
Marown A hosted South Ramsey where the Ramsey side won 5 – 4 on games, but Marown A
took the match points winning 160- 145. Helen Withers and Lynda Cadamy both reaching 18
and Sue Collier for Ramsey put a stop to Jayne Smith’s winning streak with a 21-17 win.
The new Nobles Team played home to Castletown B winning 169-127 (6-3) Keri Hampton
played her 1st league game and scored an impressive 13-21 against youngster Aalish Moore.
Port St Mary traveled to Peel where they won 140-155 (4-5). Lynda Wilson for Peel won to single
figures as did for Port St Mary’s Trish Bull and Margaret Tasker. Maggie Jackeman from Peel
scored 16 in her 1st ever match against an experienced Edwina Reid.
Ballaugh hosted Mooragh Park where the latter won 5 of the games, but the home team made
all the points count giving them the win 147-131 (4-5) with Elena Dimsdale just losing her 1st
game 20-21 against Bailey McMullan.
It’s lovely to see lots of newcomers this season scoring fantastic results in their 1st league
games, well done to them all.


Last Thursday evening Finch Hill Bowling Club hosted the final of the Ladies Plate knockout between Port St Mary and Ballaugh.  With the introduction of the new individual handicap system this season, Port were off +30 and Ballaugh +40.  First five games saw Chris Price, Chris Holland, Kellie Maddrell and Jayne Kneen for Port winning to 6, 15, 12 and 7 respectively against Michelle Cubbon, Elaine Fenton, Louise Tebay and Pat Mason with Alison Millard for Ballaugh winning to 19 against Nicci Cain.  With Port just ahead on points at the halfway stage, it was still all to play for.  Katie Williams (Port) played next taking on Julie Reilly.  Although Julie tried her best, Katie was on good form winning to 11.  Seventh and eighth games saw Trish Bull and Margie Tasker (Port) take on Barbara Graham and Christine McDonald.  All four ladies battled well, but Barbara and Christine just  had the edge winning to 12 and 15. Last game was between Mavis Franks (Port) and Cath Harvey with Mavis eventually winning 21-14.  It was a very good final with all the spectators enjoying some excellent bowling.  Result : Port St Mary 193 (6), Ballaugh 168 (3). Presentation was made by the Ladies President with PSM Captain Chris Price, thanking Finch Hill for the use of their green, all those who helped in any way, the spectators, but most of all to her ladies for playing so well.

In the Open Age League last Friday night current leaders  Castletown A were away to second placed Port St Mary A.  Match was much closer than on their previous encounter earlier in the season with Port winning on games but losing on points.  Closest games saw Nicola Cain and Trish Bull (Port) both winning to 19 against Hilary Kermode and Anne Oates with Kath Kinley (Castletown) being the only player to win to single figures.  Marown home to Port Erin and Onchan away to Peel both had good eight games to one wins with both teams only dropping one point.  Lone winners for Port Erin and Peel were Caroline Whitehead and Sue Jones.  South Ramsey had a good away win at Castletown B with Lorraine Moore (South) winning her first league game.   

There were four 5-1 results in the Ladies Over 60s matches on Tuesday morning.  Closest of these was the match between Finch Hill and Peel where Peel won by 29 points. All games went into double figures apart from the lone winner for Finch, Jan Osborne, who won comfortably to 5. Brenda Williams for Finch battled well against Val Allwood eventually losing to 15. 


There were some close matches last Friday night in the Open Age League.  Marown B played Peel at home and although Peel won 5-4 on games they lost by 11 points.  Port Erin played host to Mooragh Park with Port winning the match by 12 points.   Mooragh Park junior, Lacey McMullan, won her first game to 18 against Rita Callister whilst Jenny Cain for Port came back from 16-8 down to win 21-17 against Lacey’s sister, Shannon.

In the Over 60s league on Tuesday morning, two full houses were achieved by Onchan A and Castletown A who were both home to Castletown B and Mooragh Park B respectively.  Closest match saw Marown winning at home by four points against Finch Hill.