Castletown A stretch their lead with maximum points

CTH Insurance Ladies league top of the table Castletown A pulled away with their maximum points win against Peel Sunset, to give them a 56 point lead over second position Marown A. With only three games left to play, I can’t see much change happening at the top of the table.

Second position Marown A played South Ramsey after their defeat the night before in the Jean Kelly Final, Marown took full advantage of playing on their home green and took the win by just 6 points.

Nobles 153-99 Castletown B (6-3)

Marown A 159-153 South Ramsey (6-3)

Castletown A 189-101 Peel Sunset (9-0)

Mooragh Park 164-78 Port St Mary (7-2)

Port Erin 164-171 Ballaugh A (3-6)