Ballaugh B edged out a 3 point win

Ballaugh B edging out a 3 point win against Castletown B in O60’s Ladies

Castletown B just lost out by 3 points when they travelled to Ballaugh B last Tuesday. All the games were closely contested with the losses all to high double figures. But Ballaugh came out the winners 111-108 (3-3)

Port Erin B 47-126 Port Erin A (0-6)

Castletown A 113-62 Port St Mary A (5-1)

Peel Sunset 116-103 Ballaugh A (4-2)

South Ramsey 124-49 Onchan A (4-2)

Finch Hill 75-100 Mooragh Park A (2-4)

Mooragh Park B 40-126 Marown (0-6)

The second games of the week saw a very close game at Mooragh Park A playing Castletown A. The Park side only managed to secure 2 wins but both with an impressive 21-4 scoreline. Kathryn Kinley from Castletown A fought back with a 5-21 win, but the park side had managed to hold on to a draw 92-92  (2-4).

Ballaugh B 94-106 Peel Sunset (2-4)

Castletown B 53-126 South Ramsey (0-6)

Nobles 120-97 Finch Hill (5-1)

Onchan A 92-97 Mooragh Park B (4-2)

Marown 121-72 Port Erin B (5-1)

Port St Mary A 83-124 Ballaugh A (1-5)