Author Archives: Pat Lenton

Half way point in Mini League

Group A leaders Port St Mary A are now 65 points clear of 2nd place South Ramsey having only dropped 5 points in 3 matches.

The ladies from Port St Mary travelled to South Ramsey this week and romped home with a 1-5 victory 75-125.

Onchan were hosts to Port Erin B securing a 5-1. The visitors played well with one win and 3 players into double figures. Final score 111-79.

Group B still shows Castletown A as leaders but with 2 away matches for them to play in the final 3 they will need every point to retain their lead. Ballaugh are hot on their heels with just 31 points separating the two after their match this week when Ballaugh won at home 106-95 (4-2).

Mooragh Park made the journey south to play Port St Mary B and were made most welcome. Although Port St Mary won the match 116-90 (4-2) the ladies from Ramsey put up a strong performance with wins from Pat Lenton and Peggy Freeman.

Of the three teams in Group C Peel Sunset and Port Erin A are only separated by 4 points so it was all to play for in their match this week. As predicted the match was very close with wins for each team, but the convincing wins by Lynda Cadamy and Jean Thackrah swung it for the home team. Final score 105-92 (3-3).

Another photo finish for the lead is in Group D where there is a race between Marown and Finch Hill with just 2 points separating them at the half way point.

With no match for Marown this week it was the turn of Castletown B to play Finch Hill. The newly formed B team of Castletown came up against tough opponents but they played well with Linda Dobinson winning her game 21-8. Final score 69-113 (1-5).

Next week, Tuesday 4th August, Marown play, at home, against Finch Hill! Now that will be a game to watch.

Peel in Top Form in Ladies Over 60s

Two more teams played their opening matches in the over 60’s Team Championship on Tuesday 21st July.

In Group C Peel were at home to visitors Douglas who tried very hard to win points from the home team but home green advantage and accuracy won the day with 6 wins for Peel. Final score 126-49.

In Group D Castletown B headed to Marown with 3 brand new players. Ann Watkinson, Pat Rigby and Susan Kerruish were made most welcome by the hosts and all three played well and showed that they are future stars in the making. Very well done all three. The rest of the team kept Marown on their toes but in the end Marown won 6 games Final score 126-52.

In Group A Port St Mary A were at home to Onchan. The visitors certainly made the current champions dig deep for every point gained and each match was played to double figures. Caroline Corlett for Onchan managed the only win for the visitors leaving a final score of 122-83 (5-1).
South Ramsey made the journey to Breagle Glen to play Port Erin B and went home with a 1-5 win. Joyce Henry for Port Erin had a win against Judy Kelly 21-12 and Joan Ryder narrowly missed out to Helen Caley 19-12. Final score 77-117 (1-5).

In Group B Castletown A were at home again this week and it was Port St Mary B team that made the short journey to play them. The visitors went home with 2 wins . One from Chris Holland, who had a close match with Joy Stephens 19-21 and the other from Lesley Coker who is an experienced player and has recently qualified for our league. She won her game against Barbara Young 17-21. Final score 120-71 (4-2). Also in group B was the match between Mooragh Park and Ballaugh. Chris Sims, for the home team won her game against Brenda Bowyer for Ballaugh and Gill Malpass for Mooragh Park, had a nail biting finish against Carol Holt being “all but “ for 2 ends. Final score 72-111 (1-5).

Port St Mary A Crowned League Champions Again

The final league matches were played on Tuesday and as anticipated it was a close finish resulting in Port St Mary A winning the league title but by just 2 points!

The A team arrived at Breagle to play Port Erin ‘s A team in the final match of the season holding a 16-point lead over Peel.

The Port Erin side played exceptionally well in a very close game taking the league leaders to a 92-95 (2-4) final score and surely reducing their overall points total.

The 2 wins came from Lynda Cadamy, who won 21-2, and Jacqui Elliot, who won 21-9, with 3 of the remaining team reaching double figures giving them 92 points in total. However, Port St Mary had their eyes firmly on the prize and got 4 wins from Margaret Tasker, Tricia Bull, Mavis Franks and Ann Maddrell taking their total to 95 points.

Meanwhile in Ballaugh Brenda Bowyer and her team awaited the arrival of Peel.

Glorious conditions and a much-improved green saw some excellent bowls played.

Ballaugh fought hard against the visitors and had 3 wins from Barbara Graham, Carol Holt and Voirrey Oates plus double figures from all the other players. In contrast Peel also played well, trying hard to close the 16-point lead that the southern side were holding.  Peel bagged 3 wins from Joyce Kelly, Mary Moffatt and Heather Horsburgh to clinch a 5-point victory 104-109 (3-3) but in the end Port St Mary were crowned league champions for another year.

Castletown were keen to hold onto their 3rd position in the league when they played their nearest rivals Marown. The visitors played well but were unable to dominate the home side and the final score was 114-95 (4-2).

As well as the league being decided the Merit Table has been topped by Elaine Moore who has had an outstanding season winning all of her games.

To finish my final league report for 2019 I thought I would leave you all with a poem dedicated to all new bowlers. We need as many new recruits as we can get to strengthen our sport and provide continuity for the future.


When the summer day is over and I’ve put my bowls away
I sit before my iPad and I wonder what to say
Oh, the time has gone so quickly I can’t believe it’s done
With all the games decided, are they lost or won?

April saw the start of bowling and we played it twice a week
Wet and windy and no sunshine, followed up with lots of cake.
We started off quite handy full of hope and motivation
Perhaps next year they’ll choose us to represent the nation!

But no, it didn’t last we bowled our bowls a bit too fast
Jack up they cried Long tapes they cried
But most of all “All but “they cried
More land, Reach up, my finger, your thumb
Oh my goodness what have I done.

Even when we’re down the Park we sometimes cannot reach the mark,
Too short, Too long, Too narrow, Too wide
Our lack of practice you couldn’t hide.
The captains said “well done “well played “You are improving “
So come on girls let’s get moving.

The winter league is set to start
A mid-week game at Nobles Park
Send the form in, pay the subs
There’s lots of bowlers from all clubs
But don’t be late, listen and learn.
Then maybe next year it will be our turn.

Season draws to a close

It’s hard to believe that the season is almost over in the ladies over 60s league.  This week saw, again,  some great games.

On Tuesday Peel Sunset just lost out at South Ramsey with the northern girls showing their home green strength and the western girls pushing them all the way. 98-95 (3-3).

Just down the road at Mooragh Park the A team secured 3 wins from  Janet Monk, Vicky Lloyd-West and Ellie Cowell in their match against Port St Mary A. The visitors pulled ahead with their 3 wins and a near miss from Wendy Kennaugh gaining them vital points and a win 93-108 (3-3).

Another close match was played at Breagle when Port Erin A were hosts to Onchan. Carol Kaye,  Lynda Cadamy and Jacqui Elliot all won their games but the visitors fought hard with Marilyn Ellison,  Norma Cowell and Dee Lewis gaining maximum points.  However it wasn’t enough and the home side won. Final score 104-97 (3-3).

Marown had a good match when they travelled to the Villa to play Douglas A. 4 wins for the team from Shirley Wilson,  Margaret Scarffe,  Mary Alderson and Phillipa Taylor plus a near miss from Celia Joughin gave the visitors a victory but Douglas A made them fight for it with some great bowls and 2 wins from Brenda Williams and Wendy Cowin plus a near miss from Patsy Rush taking the final score to 97-115 (2-4).

Ballaugh were playing at home against Douglas B. Unfortunately the visitors were 2 players short but Pauline Cowley did secure the depleted team a win. Ballaugh ‘s full compliment had 3 wins from Brenda Bowyer,  Peggy Griffin and Barbara Graham plus 2 walk overs taking the final score to 117-55 (5-1).

Thursdays matches were the penultimate ones for all the teams apart from Mooragh B, who have a sit out next Tuesday. They played their final match at home against their more experienced club players who make up the A team. All the players enjoyed their games with the B team claiming 2 wins from Peggy Freeman and Gill Malpass. Final score 80-114 (2-4).

Peel Sunset were at home to Port Erin A who struggled against the home side on their own green.  However the visitors did get 2 wins from Carol Kaye and Joyce Ogden with Jacqui Elliot just losing out to 18. Lynda Cadamy surprisingly lost her game against Joyce Kelly and moved her to 3rd place in the “merit” just 8 points behind Janet Monk who now occupies 2nd place. The final score in the Peel match was 113-82 (4-2).

Another home derby took place at the Villa between Douglas B and A. 4 players in the B team got to double figures and all the games were played in a very friendly atmosphere but in the end the A team came out on top with a final score of 78-126 (0-6).

In the other matches Onchan v Ballaugh 111-86 (4-2). Marown v Nobles 120-88 (5-1). Port Erin B v Castletown 58- 110 (2-4) and Port St Mary A v South Ramsey 100-82 ( 4-2). And so we enter the final chapter of the season and by the time this actually gets published you will probably all know the league and merit results.  Some clubs have performed very well, some have stayed the same and some are trying hard to improve while encouraging new players, but all clubs have offered the hand of friendship to each other in the true spirit of the game .

Peel Sunset Increase Lead

On Tuesday Peel Sunset pulled ahead in the league. They travelled south and had a good win against Port St Mary B 60-118(1-5).

In contrast their closest rivals, Port St Mary A, lost ground in the league when they came up against a strong Castletown side who were playing well on their own green.  Joy Stephens,  Ann Oates, Ann Hollingworth and Hilary Kermode all won their games for the home team but the visitors fought back with Ann Maddrell and Margaret Tasker both winning to single figures leaving a final score and a win for Castletown 102-84 (4-2).

Another team that lost ground in the league on Tuesday was Marown who slipped to 6th place following their result at Port Erin. Although Marowns Mia Moore, Mary Alderson and Celia Joughin all won their games, Joyce Ogden and Gwen Tuck pushed back for Port Erin B and played very well winning to single figures . It ended in a very close game with the visitors,  Marown winning by just 6 points 91-97 (2-4).

Thursdays matches produced 4 very close matches which shows how evenly balanced some of the teams are and how most of the teams have improved as the season progresses.

Ballaugh and Douglas A ended with the visitors just ahead by one point 100-101 (3-3)

South Ramsey and Castletown,  another 3-3 tally with the visitors losing by just 2 points 98-96.

Mooragh Park A, at home, losing to Marown by, again, 2 points 99-101 and finally Douglas B and Port Erin B shook hands with a 3 point win for the home side Douglas 94-91 (3-3).

Port Erin A won comfortably at home against Nobles with single figure successes for Lynda Cadamy,  Voirrey Curphy and Jacqui Elliot but Sylvia Kennaugh and Paula Firth pushed back for the visitors with convincing wins. Final score 96-70 (4-2).

In the remaining matches Peel won comfortably against Mooragh Park B in a very friendly game 126-33 (6-0) and a  home derby took place in Port St Mary with the A team winning 125-87 (5-1).

And so with Peel still to travel to play against the strong teams of Marown and South Ramsey and most teams having only 9 matches remaining, it really is still all to play for at the top.

Parker Wins Ramsey Town Cup

After 2 weeks of unsettled weather it was with relief that the Greek God Zeus took a day off and the Ladies Ramsey Town Cup was played on Saturday at North Ramsey Bowling club in the dry despite threatening clouds overhead.

23 bowlers from all over the Island competed for the Ladies Ramsey Town Cup. The entrants included 5 junior players who all proved to be tough opponents with the youngest, Megan Hargreaves from South Ramsey, gaining 16 points against one of the finalists, Tricia Bull.

The rest of the juniors also played very well with the McMullan sisters Shannon and Madison both scoring 18, Victoria Johnson 20 and Aalish Haworth won her match against Katie Johnson which took her through to the Quarter finals.

In the quarter finals Margaret Tasker lost out to Lil Smith 17-21 and Ann Chapman lost to Tricia Bull 15-21. Caroline Parker had a good win against Fiona Kennish 21-12 whilst Phillipa Taylor came out on top against Aalish Haworth 21-16.

Caroline Parker, from North Ramsey, and Phillipa Taylor, from Marown, had a very close game in the semi finals, which was thrilling to watch as it reached “all-but” across. However, it was Caroline who just managed to win the last all-important point to take the game 21-20.

In the other semi-final Lil Smith, also from Marown, and Tricia Bull from Port St Mary were neck and neck after 7 ends at 10 across but after 11 ends Tricia had gained a 5 point advantage. Although Lil played some great shots and fought back really hard, it was Tricia who won the match 21-18.

So it was a North against South final with Caroline Parker taking an early lead after 4 ends 12-6 but Tricia Bull dug deep and played some brilliant bowls to reduce the deficit at 12 ends to 16-13. However Caroline managed to hang on and gain the last 5 points winning the game 21-13 thereby retaining the Ladies Ramsey Town Cup in Ramsey for another year.

North Ramsey Bowling Club were very pleased to invite Michelle Quayle from Ramsey Town Commisioners to present the prizes to the runner up (Tricia Bull) and two losing semi-finalists (Philippa Taylor and Lil Smith) and the Cup and first prize to Caroline. Helen Martin, North Ramsey Bowling Club President congratulated all the players, Caroline in particular, and thanked Michelle Quayle for presenting the prizes, the park staff for the improvement of the green and everyone who helped in the running of the event.

Six Wins North And South

Perfect weather, with warm sunshine and a gentle breeze, contributed to some lovely friendly games at the start of the week.

In the south Port St Mary A were the hosts for a visit from Mooragh Park B The home team were in top form and with the sun on their backs and a fast running green they won all six games meanwhile in the north, South Ramsey romped home with 6 wins against Port St Mary B.

Marown also had a good win when they visited the Villa playing Douglas B and winning 5 games 75-123 (1-5)

Ballaugh were at home to Nobles but unfortunately were a player short, however on a tricky green Brenda Bowyer and Carol Holt won 2 games for the home side and finished with 86 chalks for Ballaugh against 115 for Nobles (2-4)

Mooragh Park A had a close match against visiting side Douglas A. 2 close games and 3 good wins gave the home side the edge with a final score of 101-84 (3-3).

In the other matches Port Erin A played Castletown but lost 88-108 (2-4) and Onchan A played Port Erin B and won 104-66 (4-2).

On Thursday a very close match took place between Marown at home to Onchan A. Philippa Taylor, Shirley Wheelan, and Margaret Scarffe all had good wins but the visitors also had 3 wins by Maureen Payne, Lynda Clarke and Marilyn Ellison, however the scales were tipped in favour of the home side who won by 6 chalks 99-93(3-3)

Following the shock defeat of Castletown at Ballaugh in the Night league last week it was a convincing win for Castletown’s over 60’s this week when Ballaugh paid them a visit. Unfortunately Ballaugh were a player short and Castletown, who are currently second in the league, gave a very strong performance and won 126-51 (6-0).

Nobles and Douglas A had a local derby with Sue Caley, Brenda Williams, Wendy Cowin and Moire Turner all winning their games for Douglas A but Viv Cook and Paula Firth won their games for Nobles with Lin Ruscoe and Sylvia Kennaugh playing to 19 and just losing out. Finally Douglas A came away with the win 97-116 (2-4).

In the remaining matches home teams battled against tough opposition with the “home team advantage “ being of little use against strong and very often more experienced opponents.

Mooragh Park B lost against South Ramsey 46-119(1-5). Port St Mary B lost against Port Erin A 87-111 (2-4). Douglas B lost against Mooragh Park A 63-125 (1-5) and Port Erin B lost to Peel Sunset 88-102 (2-4).

Come on the B’s . Onwards and Upwards.

All to Play For

We are now just two weeks into the 2019 season and Peel Sunset lead the way at the top of the league but following closely behind are Port St Mary A and South Ramsey and with less than 40 chalks separating the top three it is all to play for.

On Tuesday Port Erin A and Onchan A won all six games, on their home greens against Douglas A and Mooragh Park B. However Mooragh Park A enjoyed a better result at home to visiting team Ballaugh who unfortunately had to give a game away. Vicky Lloyd West, Julie Reilly, Ann Chapman and Maureen Lacey all won their games with a final score of 122-69 (5-1).

South Ramsey had another very close match this time at home against Nobles. Both teams won 3 of their games but the visitors lost out by 2 chalks. 94-92 (3-3).

In the other matches on Tuesday Port St Mary A won against Castletown 109-86 (4-2)

Peel Sunset won against Port St Mary B 122-92 (4-2) and Marown won against Port Erin B 122-90 (4-2).

Thursdays fixtures were played in lovely sunshine and produced another thrilling match when South Ramsey visited Castletown. The home side lost 91-102 (2-4).

Marown had another good win when visiting side Mooragh Park A made the short journey to Crosby. Mary Alderson, Philippa Taylor, Shirley Whelan, Celia Joughin and Margaret Scarffe all won their games with the final score 117-79 (5-1).

Port Erin B also had a good win against Douglas B with Joyce Ogden, Gwen Tuck, Steph Swift and Kay Primrose-Smith all winning their games. Unfortunately Douglas B were a player short . Final score was 124-56(5-1).

Port St Mary had a home derby with B playing A. Some very good players on both sides produced some good games. The B side secured 2 wins against 4 for the A side. 74-109.

The remaining matches were very close and each side won 3 games. Nobles against Port Erin A 102-95,and Douglas A against Ballaugh 103-87. Peel Sunset made the journey to Ramsey to play Mooragh Park B. The visitors won but Mooraghs Maureen Hamilton won her game for the home side giving a final score of 62-125 (1-5).

Elaine Moore had another good win, this time against Joy Stephen’s, and earlier in the week Elaine had more success in her game for South Ramsey in the match against Nobles when she won by 19 chalks. Both of these wins have secured her position at the top of the merit table but with just 5 matches played a lot can change as many top lady players settle into their games.

A Thriller at the Villa

On Thursday Douglas A played a very close match against visiting team South Ramsey.

Jan Osbourne, Elaine Vincent and Brenda Williams all won their games for Douglas A but this wasn’t enough to clinch victory as South Ramsey also had three wins by Elaine Moore, Moira Anderson and Ann Gale. The final score was a one point victory for South Ramsey 105-106 (3-3). It really doesn’t get much closer than that.

In the other results on Thursday Mooragh Park A travelled south to play Port Erin B and secured a good win 75-125 (1-5); Port St Mary B lost to Onchan A 100-114 (2-4) and Castletown won against Peel Sunset 110-90 (4-2).

Mooragh Park B were at home to Douglas B . Chris Sims and Maureen Hamilton both won their games but unfortunately Mooragh were unable to field a full team and lost 94-110 (2-4).

Nobles were at home to Port St Mary A and secured a good win against a strong side 118-100 (4-2) and Ballaugh were at home to Port Erin A, Brenda Bowyer and Barbara Graham for the home side won their games but the visitors secured 4 wins and won the match 94-116 (2-4).

Meanwhile earlier in the week Port St Mary A and Marown both had clean sweeps against visiting sides Douglas A and Mooragh B with some close games and nail biting finishes on both greens.

Castletown were away to Onchan A and just piped Onchan to the podium by 2 chalks. Clear wins by Sue Peach and Barbara Young put the visitors ahead even though Onchan’s Maureen Payne, Wendy McDowell, Dee Lewis and Jean Quine all won their games. After a very close game the final score was Onchan A 95 Castletown 97 (4-2).

Peel Sunset were at home to Nobles with the home side winning 107-82 (4-2). Port St Mary B travelled to Douglas B. The visitors winning 4 games with the final score 90-100 (2-4).

Port Erin A travelled to Ramsey and had a convincing win against Mooragh Park A 77-109 (2-4).

Ballaugh visited South Ramsey who were prevented from a clean sweep by Elizabeth Morrison of Ballaugh who won her game. The final score was a good win for South Ramsey.

With only 3 matches played so far and some very close games it’s too early to make any predictions but one thing for sure is that there will be some great bowls played this season.

Peel & Castletown Hit Maximums

The opening matches of the 2019 season were held on Thursday in cold, but dry, blustery conditions. Both Peel Sunset and Castletown got off to a flying start with both teams winning all 6 games against Douglas A and Douglas B.

South Ramsey travelled to take  on Port Erin A and had a good win with a margin of 104 to 68 chalks.

Marown also travelled south to take on Port St Mary B team who they beat by 40 chalks. Brenda Hawkard and Pauline Worrall both won their games for Port St Mary but Marown’s performance by Philipppa Taylor, Shirley Whelan, Celia Joughin and Mary Alderson tipped the scales in Marown’s favour winning 4-2 in some close games .

Ballaugh had a very friendly game against Port St Mary A . Barbara Graham playing for Ballaugh won her game against Wendy Kennaugh but Port St Mary A won the match 5-1.

Mooragh B were at home against Port Erin B and had a very close game with the home side winning on chalks 95-92.