Author Archives: Jayne Smith

Annihilation at Castletown Derby

The Ladies Open Age League played two games last week, which was a Castletown Derby, The A team played host to their B team. Angela Quayle for the B team was the only player to reach Double figures. The A team were happy to add the maximum points to their league table. Castletown A 189 v 54 Castletown B (9-0)

The rest of the results: Mooragh Park 168 v 119 Douglas (6-3), Marown B 142 v 163 Port St Mary (3-6), Peel Sunset 100 v 173 Marown A (1-8), Ballaugh 118 v 182 South Ramsey (1-8), Port Erin 128 v 183 Nobles (1-8)

In the second games of the week Peel Sunset hosted Mooragh Park. These games were all close with the result being Peel Sunset 163 v 138 Mooragh Park (6-3) Peel Sunsets Celia Smith won 21-9 and Joyce Kelly 21-8, along with Louise Horsfall 21-14, Beverly Wilson and Shirley Corrin both with 21-12 wins. Annette Barrett just managed a 21-20 win over Olivia Johnson. Mooragh Park winners were Maureen Hamilton 21-16, Maddie McMullen 21-13 and Janet Monk 21-8.

The rest of the results: South Ramsey 181 v 97 Marown B (7-2), Marown A 187 v 85 Port Erin (8-1), Port St Mary 180 v 121 Douglas (7-2), Castletown A 176 v 114 Nobles (7-2), Ballaugh 187 v 94 Castletown B (8-1)

South Ramsey O60’s encounter two close games

Games commenced on Tuesday 9th May with some good scoring, with the closest game of the day being South Ramsey hosting Nobles. With the away team Nobles coming out on top by just 8 points and drawing 3-3 on games. The closest game was South Ramseys Judy Kelly 21-19 against Marilyn Ellison. Nobles Paula Firth and Libby Andrade both won to single figures to help secure their team the win. South Ramsey 91 v 99 Nobles (3-3)

In the second games of the week, South Ramsey had another close encounter. But this time coming out on top, winning by a close 7 points when they visited Finch Hill. Again games were drawn 3-3. Mary O’Conner (Finch Hill) won 21-1, but South Ramsey dug deep and all their winning games were won to single figures and reaching 18 and 14 in the other games gave them enough points for the win. Finch Hill 89 v 96 South Ramsey (3-3)

The rest of the result were: Castletown A 116 v 72 Douglas A (5-1), Peel Sunset 94 v 107 Marown (3-3), Onchan A 105 v 60 Castletown B (5-1), Port Erin A 123 v 62 Port Erin B (5-1), Mooragh Park B 46 v 113 Ballaugh (1-5), Port St Mary A 80 v 102 Mooragh Park A (2-4), Mooragh Park B 82 v 108 Port St Mary A (2-4), Castletown B 64 v 126 Port Erin A (0-6), Port Erin B 85 v 106 Castletown A (2-4), Ballaugh 92 v 108 Peel Sunset (2-4), Nobles 87 v 102 Mooragh Park A (3-3), Marown 115 v 70 Onchan A (4-2)

Clare Cooper wins Top Lady

On Sunday the 14th of May, the Ladies Association held The Top Lady Singles Competition with 32 players at Peel Sunset Bowling Club. The day started with sunshine and then we had a downpour of rain for a while, which eventually cleared up for the latter stages, before turning very windy and cold. Marowns Clare Cooper was in exceptional good form all day to finish the eventual winner. Beating Sue Gawne (Nobles) in the final 21-5.

From the Quarter Final stage Clare finished Castletown’s chances of Hannah Drewett 21-17. South Ramseys Gill Dixon overcame teammate Elaine Moore 21-10, Margaret Tasker (Port St Mary) always had the upper hand over Jenny Moore (South Ramsey) 21-17. Sue Gawne ended Fiona Kennish (South Ramsey) of any chances of preceding further 21-11.

The Semi Final stage saw Clare take on Gill, where all Clare had was eyes on the final. Overcoming Gill 21-15. Sue was up against the experienced Margaret, Where Margaret just couldn’t match Sue’s accuracy that she had in the previous game and Sue secured her place in the final with her 21-12 win. 

The Final started off extremely cold for all the supporters watching and they were all grateful to Peel Bowling Club for supplying hot drinks to keep us warm. After 4 ends it was a close game at 3-3. Clare then took control of the game and stretched a lead of 14-4 at end 12. Clare finished the game at 21-5 to claim her title of Top Lady.

The Ladies Crown Green Bowls Association made the presentation and thanked Peel Bowling Club for their hospitality and all the competitors and supporters for staying till the end.

Marown A move to top of the table

Marown A took over the top spot on the League Table when they hosted Mooragh Park 185-81 (8-1) Caroline Parker taking the only win for the Ramsey side 21-17 with Madison McMullan just losing out to Rebekah Kelly 21-19

Castletown B v Port Erin was the closest match of the evening 150-152 (5-4) With Castletown B winning on games. Port Erin won the match by just 2 points with some great bowling.

Douglas v Marown B 130-166 (4-5) The Marown side just took the win on a fantastic night of bowls. With a total of 6 juniors playing between the 2 teams they all played really well. Katie Jacobs (Douglas) never gave up and at 10-17 she fought hard and eventually won her game 21-19. There are many juniors playing in teams in this league and they are all the future of our bowls on the island and a credit to all the teams that are teaching, coaching and especially playing these youngsters. 

Port St Mary 145 v 144 Ballaugh (5-4) Port St Mary Unfortunately were a player short for this game. But with some fantastic bowling from both sides, they just managed to take the win by 1 point. Definitely a nail biting evening.

Nobles v Peel Sunset 183-128 (7-2) The new Nobles side are definitely getting used to their new home green. New player Lisa Bradshaw took her 1st win 21-15. 

South Ramsey 160 v 139 Castletown A (5-4) The top teams went head to head. With the South Ramsey Team playing the home green to their advantage. Jenny Moore won to single figures 21-5 and secured the win for her team. 

Full House for Peel Sunset O60’s

Peel Sunset played hosts to Port Erin B 126-45 (6-0) Where they only gave away 45 points. Linda Wilson was top player for the west side winning 21-2. The only player to reach double figures for the Port Erin team was Kay Primrose Smith losing 14-21 to Terry Berry.

Ballaugh played Marown 71-116(1-5) The lone winner for the Ballaugh side was Pat Mason 21-11. Joyce Ogden and Philippa Taylor both won by single figures 21-2 and 21-8.

The home teams weren’t having much luck today. When Port Erin A welcomed Finch Hill 77-124 (1-5) Sue Rickets (Port Erin A) just beat Ann Hon 21-19 to put a stop to Finch Hill claiming a full sweep. Whilst Port Erin A’s Jean Thackrah 18-21 and Jenny Cain 19-21 just didn’t quite got over the finish line.

Mooragh Park B had a visit from the south with Castletown B 99-106 (3-3) where they drew on games, but just lost out by 7 points for the match. The closest game being Frances Radcliffe 19-21 Shiela Preston.

Onchan A welcomed Douglas A 88-105 (3-3) which was another draw in games with Douglas A taking the win by 17 points. Maureen Payne (Onchan A) just held off Paula Garrett (Douglas A) 21-20

Port St Mary A travelled the furthest today to play South Ramsey where the visiting team won 86-115 (1-5)  These games were a lot closer. With Edwina Reid taking a 21-9 win.

The closest game of the day was Castletown A v Nobles 108-106 (3-3) with Nobles level on 3 games each claiming all the points they could, but just lost out by 2 points for the match. This would have to be the game of the day, with all players reaching double figures. 

Douglas A hosted Port Erin A 67-118 (2-4) Unfortunately the Douglas A side were a player short and the southside took full advantage.

Marown v Mooragh Park B 119-50 (5-1) Francis Radcliffe was the lone winner for Mooragh Park B.

Mooragh Park A had South Ramsey pop over the other side of town for 93-96 (2-4) This was the closest game of the day with South Ramsey winning by just 3 points. Gillian Jopson won 21-20 Maureen Hamilton

Port Erin B 109 v 95 Onchan A (4-3) This had a couple of good wins for both teams and also a couple of close games.

Castletown B with a player short hosted Peel Sunset. The Peel side held onto this advantage to come off eventual winners 67-121 (1-5) Linda Dobinson held onto a win for the home team.

Finch Hill 98 v 114 Castletown A (2-4) Finch Hill dug deep against the strong Castletown A team and all managed to reach double figures in their games. With Jan Osborne 21-16 and Elaine Vincent 21-14 winning their games for the Finch Hill side.

Port St Mary A v Ballaugh 99-60 (4-2) Port St Mary A were in full control of this game winning all their games to single figures, as did Julie Reilly for the Ballaugh side.

Dixon and Moore Take Ladies Association Pairs Title

On Sunday 30th April the Ladies Pairs were held by the Association at South Ramsey with an entry of 10 pairs. South Ramsey’s Elaine Moore and Gill Dixon took the title after a nail biting final against the pairing of Sue Gawne (Nobles) and Lynda Cadamy (Marown), where by the 16th end Sue and lynda had a 18-12 lead. Elaine and Gill took 2 on the next end and then a single and then a 3 to tie at 18 across. They weren’t about to let their winning streak be stopped and went on to win single points on the next 3 ends to become eventual winners winning 21-18. 

Elaine and Gill started the day in the prelim rounds. In the Semi Final stages they came upon Paula Firth and Kim Hargraves. Where they were nearly stopped, with Paula and Kim 19-18 ahead. But Elaine and Gill managed a 2 on the next end to secure their place in the final. 

The other Semi Final saw Sue and Lynda in control from the start against the South Ramsey pairing Jenny Moore and Fiona Kennish. With Sue and Lynda making 4 on the 3rd end, they never looked back and won 21-14 to make their place in the Final. The Ladies Association Competition Secretary (Christine Holland) presented the trophies and thanked South Ramsey for their hospitality

South Ramsey top scorers on away win

Port Erin v South Ramsey 110-180 (2-7) The Ramsey side travelled south and won 4 of their 7  games to single figures, 21-9, 21-5, 21-7 and 21-8. The closest game of the evening was Port Erin’s Jenny Cain 21-20 win over Judy Kelly.

Marown A were home to Nobles scoring 168-119 (7-2) Where Nobles were unfortunate with Marowns Lynda Cadamy winning 21-19 against Grace Gawne and Rebecca Teare 21-18 to Sylvia Kennaugh. Nobles Paula Firth and Caroline Corlett were the Nobles winners.

Mooragh Park v Marown B 126-153 (3-6) After Marown having to give away a game, they still managed to come off eventual winners. Joyce Ogden won 21-1 to help her team secure the away win.

Castletown A v Port St Mary 172-121 (5-4)  Castletown A fought hard to keep themselves on the top of the table by reaching  13,17,18 and 19 in the games that they lost. Which helped them secure a good win. 

Peel Sunset reached double figures in all their games when they hosted Castletown B 161-138 (5-4) Joyce Kelly 21-1,  Gill Clarke and Louise Horsfall won 21-8 to give Peel their second win this season.

Ballaugh v Douglas 170-119 (5-4) Ballaugh scored a good home win, with Julie Reilly winning 21-8, Cath Harvey 21-1 and Julie Waterworth 21-3. For the Douglas side Paula Garrett just edged out Michelle Cubbon 21-19 as did Erin Quayle against Pat Mason 21-20

Close win for Nobles by just 3 points

Onchan A v Nobles 79-82 (3-3)  With nobles 1 player short they had to dig deep, Paula Firth and Sue Gawne helped the case by winning 21-3 and 21-5. The game’s finished drawn at  3-3. But Nobles took the overall win by just 3 points.

Marown took advantage of castletown being a player short to take the win against Castletown B 115-68 (4-2) Judith Moore for Castletown B just lost out to Joyce Ogden 21-19. 

Port Erin A v Mooragh Park A 101-107 (3-3) This was another close game of the day, with the Visitors Mooragh Park A just edging the win by 6 points. Rita Callister for Port Erin A just lost 20-21 to Karen McGurgan. Mooragh Park’s Janet Monk won 21-6 and Port Erin’s Caroline Whitehead 21-09.

Ballaugh hosted Port Erin B 121-73 (5-1) Ballaugh were close to a full house, but Susan Inch from Port Erin B took a 21-16 win to put a halt on that.

Iris Kermode also stopped Peel Sunset winning all their games against Finch Hill 121-85 (5-1) with a 21-16 win over Peel’s Cath Parker. Beverley Wilson gained her first O60’s win for the Peel side.

The third 5-1 game of the day was at Mooragh Park where the B team played Douglas A 58-109 (5-1) Mary Bruce was the lone winner to single figures, as were Paula Garrett, Pauline Cowley and Lin Ruscoe for Douglas A.

Castletown A v South Ramsey 77-110 (2-4) Anne Oates for the home side won 21-9 and Sue Peach managed to just hold off Moira Anderson 21-17. The Ramsey side winners were Ann Gale, Gillian Jopson, Sue Collier and Elaine Moore.

Later in the week Castletown B v Ballaugh 107-114 (2-4) This game could have gone either way with lots of close results. Castletown B winners Linda Dobson 21-19, Pat Rigby 21-11 and Ballaugh’s Maureen Trustham 21-14, Michelle Cubbon 21-12, Julie Reilly 21-20, Brenda Bowyer 21-19.

Mooragh Park A v Castletown A 99-112 (2-4) Where Castletown A fought to the end with both Elaine McElroy and Hillary Kermode both winning 21-20.

Douglas A hosted Peel Sunset in a very close set of games with both teams having a 21-13 win and a 21-2 win. But with Lin Ruscoe for the Douglas side winning 21-6 and Shirley Corrin from Peel 21-9. Douglas A took the win by just 3 points.

Marown v Port St Mary A 112-90 (4-2) Phillippa Taylor was on a roll this week clocking up a good 21-4 win to help her team take the win. The rest of the games were a lot closer reaching double figures.

Finch Hill were all over Onchan A winning 115-62 (4-2) With Lil Smith and Ann Hon for Finch Hill both winning 21-2 and Mary O’Conner winning 21-3. Maureen Payne for Onchan just managed to hold off Jan Osbourne 21-20

Port Erin B v Mooragh Park B 115-76 (4-2) Mooragh Park B winners were Fances Radcliffe and Gillian Malpass. Gwen Tuck and Kay Primrose-Smith both had good wins for the Port Erin side to help secure them the overall win. 

Nobles were unfortunate to be a player short for the second time this week when they were hosts to Port Erin A who took full advantage. Sue Gawne for Nobles won 21-6. But Jenny Cain Port Erin won 21-3 and they secured the win. Nobles 83 – 101 Port Erin A (3-3)

South Ramsey Ladies Win Association Triples

Saturday 22nd April saw the Ladies Association Triples take place at Nobles attracting an entry of nine triples. South Ramsey’s Jenny Moore, Kim Hargraves and Fiona Kennish were eventual winners 21-10. Winning 6 of the 8 ends played in the final against Pauline Cowley, Sue McCourt and Sandra May.  The afternoon started off very dull and wet which luckily cleared up in time for the semi finals. Where Pauline, Sue and Sandra placed themselves into the final beating the Marown triples Lynda Cadamy, Jayne Smith and Philippa Taylor 21-14. The Port St Mary triple of Margaret Tasker, Trish Bull and Mavis Franks came up against eventual winners Jenny, Kim and Fiona 13-21. In the earlier rounds Marown’s Lil Smith, Rosie Winckle and Joyce Ogden had the longest match of the day against new homegreeners Paula Firth, Sue Gawne and Caroline Whitehead (Port Erin) where the marown triple won 21-17. They then went on to another long battle against Pauline, Sue and Sandra who won 21-18. The presentation was made by Chris Holland (Ladies Association Competition Secretary) who thanked Nobles Bowling Club for hosting and to all who had entered.

Eight – One scoreline for current top two teams

Ladies Open Age League Friday 21st April saw Castletown A keep their spot at the top of the table playing away to Douglas at the Villa 92-184 (1-8) with Paula Garrett at Douglas winning 21-16. Back down at Castletown the rain held off and saw the B team take on Marown A 83-186 (1-8) Rebekah Kelly Marown A picked up her 1st win playing for the A team 21-11 and Linda Dawson Castletown B  Played her home green well to win 21-18 to keep Marown A below their A team on the table. Nobles v Mooragh Park 153-129 (5-4) saw a mix of games. Five of which were won to single figures, whilst Victoria Johnson just held off Paula Firth at Nobles to win 21-18 as did Sue Gawne 21-18 against returning player Rosemary Quirk. I’m sure Mooragh Park are happy to see Rosemary returning back to the game. There wasn’t much travelling involved for Port St Mary 155 v 135 Port Erin (6-3) Nicola Cain and Margaret Tasker both won to single figures for the home team. Whilst the winners for Port Erin were Jean Thackrah, Jenny Cain and Caroline Whitehead. Marown B 124 v 154 Ballaugh (3-6) Both Rosemary Winckle and Junior bowler Grace Cooper won 21-4 whilst Joyce Ogden just held off Louise Tebay  21-20. Winners for the Ballaugh side were Rose Waterworth, Elaine Fenton, Julie Reilly, Michelle Cubbon, Cath Harvey and Maria Dimsdale. The final game of the evening saw South Ramsey welcome Peel Sunset 179-87 (8-1) Joyce Kelly won 21-11 for Peel Sunset. Jenny Moore, Lauren Groen, Gillian Dixon, Elaine Moore and Kim Hargraves all won to single figures for the South Ramsey side.