Author Archives: Jayne Smith

Maximum Points for Ballaugh O60’s

Ballaugh received a full house against Castletown B who were 1 player short.

All games were won to singles figures leaving an overall score of Ballaugh 126 V Castletown B 28 (6-0)

Castletown A also recorded a full sweep winning 126 V 56 Mooragh Park A (6-0) Sue Peach, Anne Oates and Kim Foy all won to single figures.

The closest game of the day was Peel Sunset 107 V 91 Douglas A (3-3) Shirley Corrin and Joyce Kelly both had single wins for the west side. As did Paula Garret for Douglas.

Other Results: Mooragh Park B 101 V 75 Port Erin B (4-2), Port Erin A 80 V 110 Nobles (2-4), Onchan A 68  V 116 Finch Hill (1-5),Port St Many A 77 V 117 Marown(1-5.

A couple of close games later in the week. The first being Port Erin B 84 V94 Peel Sunset (3-3) The other game was Douglas A 87 V 93 Onchan A (3-3)  Douglas A were a player short so they had to give away a 0-21 game, But Paula Garrett scored a 21-1 win to keep the scores even.

Other Results: Marown 123 V 87 Ballaugh (5-1), Castletown B 106 V 89 Mooragh Park B (4-2), Nobles 99 V 124 Castletown A (1-5), Finch Hill 122 V 91 Port Erin A (4-2), Port St Mary A 94 V 106 South Ramsey (2-4)

Busy Week For Ladies Open Age League

Ladies open age league saw a couple of games that were postponed by the weather the week before played this week.

Mooragh Park 103 V 175  Marown A  (2-7) Janet monk 21-13 and Madison McMullan 21-15 were the Park winners.

Castletown B  121 V 180 Peel Sunset (2-7) Debra Cooper came close to another win for the southside just losing 20-21 to Gill Clarke.

Castletown A 165 V 131 South Ramsey (6-3) Kath Kinley (Castletown A) and Elaine Moore (South Ramsey) both recorded 21-6 wins.

Marown B 175 V 107 Douglas (6-3) Celia Joughin, Joyce Ogden and Lil Smith all had single figure wins.

Marown A scored a maximum win at home against Peel Sunset 189 V 105 (9-0) Clare Cooper, Rebekah Kelly and Helen Withers all took single figure wins.

Castletown B hosted the castletown Derby with a much improved scoreline to their last derby. 78 V 187 (1-8) Linda Dawson for the B team taking a win off the A team 21-19. 

Other Results: Douglas 107 V 171 Mooragh Park (2-7), Nobles 175 V 132 Port Erin (6-3), Port St Mary 143 V 163 Marown B (4-5), South Ramsey 172 V 118 Ballaugh (6-3),

Jenny Moore wins Jordan Cup at Nobles

Saturday 22nd July saw the return of the Jordan Cup, kindly sponsored by Atla Group, at Nobles Bowling Club. The last time the competition was held was 2020, as drawn doubles. This year saw a return to its original singles format.

There were 21 entrants on what was expected to be a very miserable wet afternoon, however the weather held off and we only had minor drizzly outbursts towards the end of the afternoon.

The afternoon went well with the quarter final one, Kim Hargraves (South Ramsey) v Paula Firth (Nobles). Paula led for most of the match until the 18th end when Kim made a comeback to bring the score to 17 across. Paula then managed a 2 to bring the game to 19-17 but Kim held the pressure to take the game 21-19.

In the second quarter final it was point for point between Sue Gawne (Nobles) and Jenny Moore (South Ramsey) up until 15 across, then Jenny went up a gear to bring the game to 21-15.

The third quarter final saw newcomer Keri Hampson (Nobles) take on junior player Martha Butler (Marown). Martha took the lead early on to lead 16-6, when Keri started to get back in the game. After 22 ends Martha was at match point to Keri’s 15 but Keri held her head to eventually run out 21-20. This was her second 21-20 result of the day.

The last quarter final saw Tina Hampson (Nobles) take on mixed teammate Jayne Smith (Marown). Jayne was 17 -10 up after 17 ends but Tina started making a comeback to a 2 point deficit at 18-16. Jayne then took a 2 and a 1 to close out the game 21-16.

Semi-final 1 saw club mates Kim Hargraves and Jenny Moore take on each other with Jenny coming out on top 21-9.

The second semi-final saw Keri Hampson take on Jayne Smith. Up until today Keri hadn’t won a game before so she was pleased to have reached this far. Jayne took control of the game but Keri fought well with the game ending 21-5.

Jenny Moore and Jayne Smith were the finalists. The score after 27 ends was 19-18 to Jenny, with both players giving everything. It was Jenny who rolled out victorious with single points in the last 2 ends, making the final score 21-18.

The presentation party consisted of Tina Hampson Nobles Comp Sec, for Atla Lisa Bradshaw and Jamie McKenna Director of Atla Fiduciaries Limited. Nobles thanked the sponsors, everyone who attended and as always the measurers, markers and volunteers. It seems a great day was had by all.

Ladies Open Age League 

Port St Mary 112 V 164 Castletown A (4-5) The strong Castletown side winning 4 of the games to single figures, and losing only 2 of the games to just 21-20, meant that they still produced a good 164 points for a good match win.

Marown B 151 V 133 Mooragh Park (5-4) A close call for both sides, with a couple of single figures wins the Marown B side just taking a few more points to secure them the win.

Nobles 117 V 170 Marown A (3-6) The visitors just managed to take a few single-figure wins to keep them out of Noble’s reach. Marilyn Ellison, Tina Hampson and Sue Gawne all took wins for Nobles.

South Ramsey 188 V 132 Port Erin (8-1)  A great win for the Ramsey side only 1 point off a maximum score. The Port Erin side came close with two 21-19 loses and a 21-20 and 21-17.

Douglas 131 V 150 Ballagh (4-5) Another close game, with both teams winning 3 games to single figures. Jane Lothian (Douglas) 21-20 just held off Cath Harvey (Ballagh).

Friday 14th saw only Peel Sunset prepared to play in the torrential rain, much to Nobles surprise. All the other games were called off due to green unable to be played on. So the rest of us were tucked up cosy with our feet up and no doubt a glass or two of something. Nobles seemed to like the heavy watered green winning 6 of their games to single figures. Peel Sunset 84 V 175 Nobles (2-7)

Jean Kelly Knockout Prelim

Port St Mary (+44) 175 V 200 Marown B (+58)

Port St Mary hosted the first prelim game. The Marown B team ended up being just to strong for them. Jo Corkill (Marown) found her confidence with a butal 21-8 win. Both teams had a couple of single figure wins. But even without the +14 advantage Marown push on to the Quarter Final round where they will face an away game at Castletown B.

Busy week for Over 60’s Ladies

Onchan A played Mooragh Park A, winning 4-2 and by just 2 points 105-103. Mooragh Park had 3 close games at 17,18 and 19.

Peel Sunset had a good win over Nobles 106 V 96 (4-2) with Shirley Corrin (Peel) and Dee Lewis (Nobles) both winning their games 21-6. Libby Andrade came a close second after just losing out to Peels Mary Moffett 21-20

Port St Mary A travelled across to Castletown B to draw on games, but take the win 90-105.(3-3)

Mooragh Park B Struggled this week at home to Finch Hill 65 V 117 (1-5). Gillian Malpass was the only Northern side to win 21-12. 

 Ballagh 120 V 88 Douglas A (4-2) Douglas A winners Kay McKierman 21-19 and Pauline Cowley 21-17 just stopped the Ballagh sie picking up a full house.

Marown hosted Port Erin B winning 3 of the games to single figures. Kay Primrose-Smith 21-17 and Gwen Tuck 21-20 put Marowns chances of a full house to a halt. 121 V 75 (4-2)

South Ramsey travelled the coast to Port Erin A 89 V 115 (3-3) which finished level on games, with 2 close 21-20 games and South Ramsey taking the win on points. 

On the second games of the week. Nobles produced some good single figure wins to take the match against Onchan A 122 V 51 (5-1) Maureen Payne was Onchans lone winner 21-17.

Mooragh Park A 116 V 69 Port Erin A (5-1)The Ramsey side were on top form winning 2 of the games to single figures. The Southsides only winner was Pauline Worrall 21-11.

Port Erin B 70 V 115 Ballaugh (2-4) Rose Watterson 21-2 and Barbara Graham 21-4 both had great wins for the Ballaugh Side. Port Erin B winners were Kay Primrose-Smith 21-18 and Gwen Tuck 21-13.

Finch Hill 86 V 111 Peel Sunset (2-4) Mary Moffatt 21-2 and Joyce Kelly 21-7 are showing their experience and played some fantastic bowls on the away green. 

South Ramsey 85 V 109 Castletown A (2-4) this was a match pretty even on games with the exception of Castletowns Hillary Kermode 21-7 and Kath Kinley 21-4 wins.

Castletown B 97 V 115 Marown (2-4) The Castletown green played its usual home advantage and Marown struggled to take the usual easy win and had to dig deep to win this one. Full credit to Castletown B who pushed hard to gain all the points that they did.

Douglas A 116 V 50 Mooragh Park B (5-1) Douglas A were on fire in this game, winning 3 of the games 21-5 and Sue McCourt also taking a 21-3 win. Chris Simms for the Ramsey side won her game 21.11.

Madison McMullan wins Junior Girls Merit Title

On Saturday 15th July the Junior Girls Merit took place at Douglas Bowling Club.

With an entry of 12 the format was 2 groups of 6 played in a round robin format, with the winners of each group playing the final.

Group 1 saw Aalish Moore, Emily Jacobs, Katie Jacobs, Madison McMullan, Lacey McMullan and Erin Quayle. With Katie and Madison both only losing 1 game it was then left to decide on chalk difference that Madison would go through to the final.

Group 2 saw Lola Tebay, Bailey McMullan, Grace Gawne, Graiagh Smith, Olivia Johnson and Grayse Blencoe. Lola was the clear winner of this group and she won all of her games to see her go through to the final.

The Final began with Lola and Madison. Madison took control of this game and Lola just couldn’t get inside. Which left Madison winner 11-1 to take the junior girls Merit title. 

The presentation was made by the Ladies association where Douglas Bowling Club were thanked for hosting the event. All of the competitors received some goodies and winner Madison and runner up Lola received their prizes.

South Ramsey take Highest score of night in Ladies Open Age League

On an extremely wet night Peel Sunset hosted South Ramsey 100 V 181 (1-8)  with Joyce Kelly taking the homesides only win 21-13.

Mooragh Park fought hard against the visitors Nobles 123 V 156 (3-6) with the McMullan sisters Madison and Bailey both winning by single figures. 

Marown A welcomed Castletown B 174 V 97 (8-1) Linda Dawson took the only win for Castletown 21-6.

Marowns B team ventured to Ballagh, Where the strong Ballagh side took the game 166 V 128 (5-4) 

Port Erin played Port St Mary 132 V 168 (4-5) 4 of Port St Mary wins were to single figures with Trish Bull taking the 5th 21-19.

Castletown A 178 V 108 Douglas (7-2) The Douglas side will be happy taking 2 games off the Southside on their home green. Jane Lothian 21-14 and Graiagh Smith 21-17.

Maximum points for Nobles Over 60’s

Nobles hosted Mooragh Park B and happily took maximum points 126 V 40 (6-0)  Mooraghs Chris Simms came the closest to taking a game, just losing out to 17.

Finch Hill also took maximum points against Castletown B 126 V 60 (6-0) with Jan Osborne, Brenda Williams and Mary O’Conner all winning by single figures.

Results: Port Erin B 121 V 92 Castletown B (5-1), South Ramsey 120 V 80 Onchan A (4-2), Finch Hill 122 V 92 Ballagh (5-1), Douglas A 82 V 121 Marown (3-3), Castletown A 110 V 86 Port St Mary A (4-2).

Marown A chasing leaders with a win at South Ramsey

Marown A visited South Ramsey on wed 28th June. On paper this was always going to be a close game. But Marown didn’t let their supporters down who travelled up north, and secured the win South Ramsey 141 V 166 Marown A (4-5)  Sisters Rebecca Teare and Debbie Leece both won by single figures 21-6 and 21-7. 

Port St Mary 140 V 145 Peel Sunset (4-5) This game was very mixed with a couple of close 21-19 games. But with the Peel side winning 3 of the games to single figure they took the eventual win.

Top of the table leaders visited Marown B 107 V 187 Castletown A (8-1) With the absence of the B team captain Lil Smith, Castletown A took full advantage to keep their top of the table spot secured. Rosemary Winkle took the lone marown game 21-19.

Castletown B 124 V 175 Nobles (2-7) Angela Quayle (Castletown B) come close to taking a 3rd game for the B team narrowly losing 20-21. 

Mooragh Park 145 V 135 Ballagh (5-4), Douglas 168 V 149 Port Erin (5-4)

Marown Over 60’s stretch their top of the table lead

Marown took a trip to Nobles on 27th June, and played their usual fine form. Take the games 5-1 and only drop 1 point. Jane Robinson secured Nobles’ only win 21-20. Nobles 68- 125 Marown.

In second spot on the table saw Castletown A 126 V 44 Onchan(6-0) . Castletown Played a perfect home green taking maximum points. Winning 4 of the games to single figures. 

In current third and fourth place on the table saw South Ramsey take on Mooragh B team 126 v 40 (6-0) and winning to maximum points keeps them in reach of Mooragh A. 

Mooragh A welcomed the strong Ballaugh team where Ballagh took the games 2-4. Janet Monk (Mooragh Park) and teammate Janice Pilling both won by single figures. This gave Mooragh Park A the win 105 v 93

Port Erin A 113 v 101 Port St Mary A(3-3, Douglas A v Port Erin B (4-2)

No maximum points on the second games of the week. Castletown B hosted Douglas A with Sheila Preston Taking Castletowns only win 21-2. Castletown B 73 V 107 Douglas B (1-5). 

It was the Mooragh Park derby with the B team hosting. Mary Bruce (Mooragh Park B) took a 21-11 win. But with the A team on top form and Janice Pilling securing a 21-0 win, the final score went to the A team. Mooragh Park B 52 V 116 Mooragh Park A (1-5). 

Ballaugh 101 V 92 Nobles (3-3), Marown 121 V 52 Finch Hill (5-1), Peel Sunset 76 V 105 South Ramsey (3-3), Port Erin A 87 V 121 Castletown A (2-4).

On Friday 30th Mooragh Park A 97 V 79 Peel Sunset (4-2) Not many points were achieved in this game. For the Park side again Janet Monk and Janice Pilling won to single points. As did Sue Jones and Joyce Kelly for Peel Sunset.