Author Archives: Jayne Smith

Ladies Open Age League results in a draw for Castletown B verses Port St Mary

Ballaugh 131 V 155 Marown A (3-6) Ballaugh hosted Marown on this rearranged date and it turned out to be an evening of gale force winds. Marown dug in deep against the recently strong Ballaugh side.

Nobles 163 V 131 Douglas (7-2) Sylvia Kennaugh and Sue Gawne (Nobles) both had comfortable 21-9 wins. Douglas side Shannon McMullan had a great 4-21 win. 

Peel Sunset 162 V 149 Ballaugh (4-5) The Peel side played a great home green and although they only won 4 of the 9 games. They took the oval match win on points, with Linda Wilson and Joyce Kelly both winning on single figures.

Castletown B 135 V 135 Port St Mary (4-5) This was a second draw for the Castletown B side, who fought hard to win all those points to secure the draw, with the help of Barbara Young and her 21-0 win.

At Marown we saw the 2nd Derby game with the A team coming out on top 171 V 105 (8-1) with Elaine Dewhirst marown Bs only winner 21-3. 

South Ramsey 178 V 130 Mooragh Park (6-3) South Ramsey are pushing hard onto Marown A for that 2nd spot on the league table, with only 1 game left and only 25 points between 2nd and 3rd place. Castletown A now sit in top spot a comfortable 32 points ahead of marown. The McMullan youngsters madison and Bailey played extremely well on the away green both winning 21-18 and 21-15 against very strong players.

Port Erin 68 V 189 Castletown A (0-9) A full house for the Castletown side just pushed them that bit farther away on the league table to sit them comfortably in top spot. I’m sure they will be chilling that champagne ready for the last game of the season on Wed 30th August.

Debbie Leece wins Barbara Lee Cup in emotional Final

Debbie Leece played exceptionally well  to come out eventual winner to Caroline Whitehead, winning 21-19 in a very close final. Caroline took control of the game in the early stages leading 12-4 at one point. But Debbie fought hard to level at 18-18 on the 29th end. Debbie then took a 2 to put her ahead 20-18, but Caroline wasn’t ready to give up and scored a single on the next end 20-19. Debbie scored a single on the next end and lifted the trophy in a very emotional presentation.

12 Ladies started the day off. At the Quarter Final stage Debbie overcame Kim Hargraves 21-19. Sue Gawne 21-4 Clare Cooper, Charlotte Clarke 21-18 Jo Corkill, and Caroline overcame Margaret Tasker 21-9. In the semi final stage Debbie played Sue where Debbie was on a mission to the final winning 21-16. Caroline played the other remaining Marown home greener Charlotte winning 21-14.

The Ladies Association thanked Marown for hosting the competition and everyone who helped on the day. 

Peel Sunset overcome Marown in O60’s Ladies

There were a few close games this week, the first being Marown who hosted Peel Sunset who were in exceptional form and took a win by just 4 points. Marowns captain Philippa Taylor won 21-1. Final result Marown 99 V 103 Peel Sunset (3-3).

Castletown B 95 V 104 Onchan A (3-3) Maureen Payne (Onchan) won 21-6 to help her team secure the win. 

Nobles 91 V 102 South Ramsey (3-3) Marilyn Ellison (Nobles) won 21-9 and for south Ramsey Judy Kelly 21-5 and Elaine Moore 21-9. 

Mooragh Park 84 V 81 Port St Mary A (3-3) This was the closest game of the day, with the Ramsey side taking the win by just 3 points. With Lots of single figure wins for both teams. This game could have gone either way and was extremely close right up until the final end.

Port Erin A were the winners of the day taking maximum points when they played their B team. The B team came close to taking 2 games off them with Sue Rickets and Sue Wilshaw both reaching 19 against their opponents. Port Erin B 61 V 126 Port Erin A (0-6).

Ballaugh only dropped 1 point 125 when they hosted Mooragh Park B 56 (5-1) Chis Sims took the Parks only win 20-21. 

Douglas A were unfortunate to be a player short when they hosted Castletown A. Paula Garrett and Kay McKiernan both won for the Douglas side. But the strong Castletown team took the other 4 wins all to single figures. Douglas A 54 V 116 Castletown A (2-4)

The JMS Veteran Shield Prelims sponsored by Janet Latham were also played.

Marown (+18) 138 V 90 Castletown B (+41) 5-1

Port Erin B (+35) 96 V 137 Castletown A (+17) !-5

Ballaugh (+30) 142 V 115 Onchan A (+44) 4-2

Finch Hill (+24) 123 V 133 Port Erin A (+36) 4-2

South Ramsey (+24) 141 V 106 Douglas A (+37) 5-1

Peel Sunset (+24) 122 V 120 Nobles (+21) 3-3

Port St Mary A (+25) 120 V 141 Mooragh Park A (+32) 2-4

The next round will be played on the 17th August.

Ladies Open Age League

Marown B 133 V 145 Nobles (5-4) Marown put up a good fight against the strong Nobles team. Winning 5-4 on games but just losing out on the points. Well done to all the new and young players in both teams all picking up points for their teams.

Castletown A 177 V Peel Sunset (7-2) The Peel side picked up a couple of good wins against the tough Castletown A team. Linda Wilson (Peel) won 21-14 and Shirley Corrin 21-16.

Mooragh Park 156 V 134 Port Erin (5-4)  Janet Monk and Madison McMullan both won to single figures for the Ramsey side, as did Sue Wilshaw for Port Erin.

Douglas 174 V 138 Castletown B (6-3) Jane Lothian and Shannon McMullan (Douglas) both won to single figures, helping to secure the win for Douglas.

Port Erin A only drop 2 points in Ladies O60 Match

Port Erin A 124 V Castletown B (5-1) The Port Erin side were in fine form when they welcomed Castletown to their green. Sheila Preston (Castletown) just lost out 21-20.

Whilst at home Castletown A 120 V 48 Port Erin B (5-1) Gwen Tuck was Port Erins lone winner 15-21. For Castletown  Kim Foy and Anne Oates both won 21-0.

Peel Sunset 107 V 87 Ballaugh (4-2) The Peel side have stepped up a gear this second half of the season. Joyce Kelly won 21-2.

Mooragh Park A 105 V 79 Nobles (4-2) Janet Monk and Gail Corrin (Mooragh) both had single wins as did Nobles Marilyn  Ellison.

Onchan A 72 V 121 Marown (1-5) Unfortunately Onchan were a player short, giving Marowns Sue Hammond a 21-0 walkover win. Norma Cowell was Onchans winner 21-16.

South Ramsey 15 V 96 Finch Hill (3-3)  This looked like the closest game of the day. Finch Hills’ Sue Calley just pipped Anne Gale at Ramsey 20-21.

Port St Mary A 121 V 76 Mooragh Park B (5-1) Trish Bull for the Southside won 21-3. The lone winner for the Ramsey side was Gill Hammond 16-21.

Top of the table clash in Open Age League

Castletown A defeated Top of the table Marown A by just 1 point. The Marown side won 5-4 on games.

Kathryn Kinley (Castletown A) won 21-4 and Rebecca Teare (Marown A) 21-7. All of the other games were pretty close as to be expected. Final result Marown A 154 V 155 Castletown A (5-4).

Nobles hosted Ballaugh and the Nobles side won games 5-4 but unfortunately lost the match on points 134 V 141 with the experienced Cath Harvey, Michelle Cubbon and Louise Tebay all winning well to single figures, as did Grace Gawne and Tina Hampson for Nobles.

Peel Sunset 152 V 161 Port Erin (6-3) Lots of close games in this match. But Di Benson and Jacqui Elliott both won 21-6 to help secure Port Erin enough points to take the match win.

 Due to games rained off the previous week a couple of rearranged games were played. Ballaugh 174 V 121 Port St Mary (8-1) and Port Erin 179 V 106 Castletown B (8-1).

South Ramsey were in fine form on their home green when visitors Douglas played. With Elaine Moores 21-0 win and Kim Hargraves 21-1. Jenny Moore, who picked up last month’s player of the month, won 21-2. The Douglas side really had their work to do and managed to score 86 overall. South Ramsey 175 V 86 Douglas (7-2) Douglas winners Katie Jacobs 21-9 and Emma Sayle 21-19. 

Castletown B 130 V 159 Marown B (3-6) Jo Corkill, Joyce Ogden and Celia Joughin all had single figure wins for marown. As did Linda Dawson and Susan kerruish for the Castletown side. 

Port St Mary 174 V Mooragh Park 113 (6-3) Port St Mary secured 4 of the games to single figures securing them a good lead and overall win.

Jean Kelly Quarter Finals

The quarter final stage of the Jean Kelly was held on an extremely wet evening. 

Mooragh Park (+47) 179 – 163 (+22) Castletown A (4-5) Some good wins from te Mooragh Park side, Janet Monk 21-5, Katie Johnson 21-4 and Madison McMullan 21-9 helped secure them the win.

Castletown B (+53)  149 – 228 (+53) Marown B (2-7) Linda Dawson and Aalish Moore were the Southside winners. Youngster Grace Cooper (Marown) had a great 21-5 win. securing Marown B’s spot in the semi final.

Ballaugh (+36) 175 – 200 (+25)  Marown A (3-6) Ballaugh pushed the Marown B team all the way with Captain Michelle Cubbon just losing out 20-21 and Maria Dimsdale 19-21.

Port Erin (+50) 167 – 200 (+34)  South Ramsey (3-6) The South Ramsey side managed a couple of single figure wins to secure their spot in semi finals.

The draw has been made for the Semi Finals to be played on wednesday 16th August  as follows:

Mooragh Park V Marown A and South Ramsey V Marown B.

Over 60’s Marown top of table

The Over 60s League is looking very similar to the open age league table. With Marown currently lying in top spot but with a game ahead of Castletown A and South Ramsey. Can they hold onto the top spot?

Marown were a player short when they visited Mooragh Park B, so they will be happy to still walk away with the win. Mooragh Park B 63 V 92 Marown (2-4)

Ballaugh just came out on top 110 V 97 Ports St Mary A (3-3). Port Erin A 123 V 89 Douglas A (5-1) Douglas had to give a game away and with 3 of the loses to 20 they still managed to pick up a few points. Castletown A 126 V 68 Finch Hill (6-0) The southside were on their usual top form taking all the 6 games Joy Stevens just managed to hold off Anne Hon 21-20 to secure her team the full house.

Peel Sunset 121 V 89 Castletown B (5-1), Onchan A 105 V 77 Port Erin B (4-2), South Ramsey 101 V 85 Mooragh Park A (3-3)

Close points at top of open age league table

Only 4 games left in the Open age league and with only 55 points separating the top 3 teams the title could easily go down to the very last game. Marown A currently sit in 1st place on 3136 with Castletown A only 9 points behind on 3136 leaving South Ramsey chasing the top on 3080.

Marown A pushed themselves to the top of the table with a good away win at Port Erin 103-186 with Port Erin’s Alison Stockham winning their only game 21-18.

Castletown B had a close fought game when they welcomed the strong Ballaugh team to their green.  Castletown B 144 v 167 Ballaugh (4-5).

The Douglas team youngsters are showing great improvement helping their team record a win against Port St Mary who were unfortunately 1 player short. Douglas 169 V 112 Port St mary (6-3).

Nobles 130 V 159 Castletown A (3-6) The southside team were just too strong for the Nobles side. Sylvia Kennaugh and Grace Gawne for Nobles had some great wins to single figures. 21-7 and 21-6. 

That just leaves Marown B 89 V 183 South Ramsey (1-8)  Rosemary Winckle managed a win for the marown side 21-15, but the Ramsey side was just too strong winning 4 of their games to single figures.

Jean Kelly Prelim Continues

Jean Kelly Prelim

Port Erin (+53) 200 V 199 Nobles (+43) The Port Erin side just managed to take the win by 1 point overall taking full advantage of that 10 point advantage. Susan Inch (Port Erin) won 21-9. Marilyn Ellison’s 21-7 and Sue Gawne’s 21-6 wins for nobles wasn’t quite enough and left them with the title of the plate in their sight.

Castletown A (+13) 196 V 158 Douglas (+57) Even with a 44 point advantage Douglas still had a lot of work to do, unfortunately for them Castletown were the much stronger team winning 8 – 1 on games. Paula Garrett took a 21-15 win for Douglas.But with Castletown winning 5 of their

 games to single figures they were always on the top.

The final prelim game was Peel Sunset (+45) 183 V 202 Ballaugh (+39) The Ballaugh team won 6-3 on games with 3 of them to single figures, giving them enough points to take them on to the next round, where the will face Marown A.