Author Archives: Jayne Smith

Nicci Cain wins Hands Non Winners Ladies Singles

The first Ladies Association competition of the 2024 season took place today at Port Erin green, hosted by Port St Mary. With an entry of 15 Ladies, the quarter final stages were very close matches Nicci Cain (Port St Mary) overcame youngster Aalish Moore 21-14, Joy Stephens (Castletown) secured her place into the semi-final 21-18 against Jo Corkill (Peel Sunset). Alison Stockham played her home green well to take a 21-15 win over Tracy Moore (Castletown). The final spot was Charlotte Clark (Marown) 21-15 Michelle Cubbon (Ballaugh).

The semi-finals were extremely close games, with Cain and Stephens having a very competitive game. Both players were leading well and at just 8 ends in were level on 11-11 the game stayed within 2 points and at end 21 was 19-19. Cain scored two singles to take the game 21-19.

The other semi-final was Clark against Stockham, this was a game of two halves with Clark running away with a 12-6 lead. Stockham closed the gap midway to 12-15. Securing a 2 and a 1 Clark edged away to 18-12. But scoring a 1 on the next end Stockham changed the length and took Clark in the corner where she took the win 21-18.

As Port St Mary play their games at Port Erin the final was a home green clash with Cain versus Stockham. Cain continued her day of leading well and never gave Stockham easy ends to win, but with some good bowling by both players Nicci Cain was full of smiles to win her first singles competition 21-14. The Ladies Association presented the prizes and thanked Port St Mary for hosting.

CASTLETOWN A win Over 60’s League (2023)

Tuesday 19th Sept saw the last week of games for the Over 60s ladies.

Douglas A hosted Nobles 32 V 126 (0-6) Douglas side had to give a game away as they were short a player. All of the Nobles players won well to give them a maximum score and only gave away 32 points. This team will definitely be one to watch next season.

South Ramsey headed to Castletown B 78 V 117 (1-5) The lone home winner Linda Dobinson (Castletown B) 21-12.

Ballaugh 96 V 105 Castletown A (3-3) Ballaugh certainly made the league winners pull out all the stops to take this win. Kim Foy (Castletown A) helped with her 21-4 win. Ballaughs Pat Mason and Rose Waterworth both won 21-15 and Julie Reilly 21-12. 

Port Erin 34 V 126 Mooragh Park A (0-6) A full house for the visitors taking full advantage of the Southside a player short. Pat Lenton also won 21-0.

Peel Sunset 125 V 74 Onchan A (5-1) Peel dropping just the 1 point. Linda Clarke taking her game for the Onchan side 21-20.

Mooragh Park B 62 V 93 Port Erin A (2-4) The Port Erin A side travelled with a player short, but still managed to sneak the win. Voirrey Curphey (Port Erin A) won 21-1.

Port St Mary A 115 V 84 Finch Hill (4-2) Margaret Tasker won 21-0 to help secure her side the win.

The second half of the week saw the final league games.

Nobles 126 V 41 Port Erin B (6-0) Again this was another great result for the Nobles side giving away only 41 points. 

League Winners Castletown A made sure they secured their title spot with a maximum win over Mooragh Park B 126 V 53 (6-0) Gillian Malpass (Mooragh Park B) just lost out on a win to 21-19. 

Mooragh Park A 112 V 63 Castletown B (5-1) Winning 3 of the games to single figures secured the Ramsey side their final home win of the season. 

Finch Hill 97 v 71 Douglas A (4-2) This time Finch hill took advantage of Douglas A a player short. Lil Smith and Anne Hon both won to single figures for the Finch Hill side.

Port Erin A 71 V 104 Peel Sunset (3-3) Level on games the Peel side also had a 21-0 win from Val Allwood and Joyce Kelly 21-8 to secure enough points to take the match win.

South Ramsey 102 V 102 Marown (4-2) The Marown side’s Linda Cadamy won 21-8 to help her side draw with the Ramsey side in a very close contested game.

Onchan A 95 V 104 Port St Mary A (2-4) Mavis Franks and Margaret Tasker both had good wins to 9 and 5 to help secure the win for Port St Mary. For the Onchan side Linda Clark just lost out to 20 and Norma Cowell to 19.

Well done to Castletown A securing the League title for the 3rd year on the run. The Castletown Club have a lot of celebrations this season with Castletown A winning both the Ladies Open Age League and also the Ladies Over 60’s League.

Ballaugh Association Plate winners

On Wednesday 13th Sept Peel Bowling Club Hosted the Ladies Association Plate Final.

Castletown A (+20)  V Ballaugh (+33) 

Both teams arrived with a good amount of spectators, all in good form for an evening of entertaining bowls. Michelle Cubbon, captain of the Ballaugh team, always smiling and encouraging her fellow teammates, stepped onto the green first to lead her team. 

After the first half results

Sue Peach 8-21 Michelle Cubbon

Amanda Lawler 21-9 Barbara Graham

Alison Kearsley 21-13 Lola Tebay

Stella Watterson 21-8 Rose Waterworth

Tracy Moore 6 -21 Louise Tebay

Castletown 97 v 105 Ballaugh including handicaps.

So at this stage it was all still anyone’s game.

Hilary Kermode Put Castletown A in front 21-11 Julie Reilly

Jenny Saunders 14 -21 Maria Dimsdale

Hannah Drewett 18-21 Mat Mason

So with the last game still playing the scores were Castletown A 150 V 158

Kim Foy 21 – 18 Cath Harvey 

This gave a final score and win to Ballaugh by just 5 points

Castletown A 171 V 176 Ballaugh

Michelle was over the moon to collect the Association Plate on behalf of her Ballaugh team, and thanked all her players and supporters. Castletown A’s Captain Hannah Drewett thanked ballaugh for a great night of games played in fine sportsmanship. The Ladies Association thanked Peel Bowling Club and their members for their help on the night and the refreshments provided.

Marown win JMS for 4th consecutive year

JMS Veteran Shield Final Marown V Castletown A

After Castletown A defeated Marown earlier in the week they would have been feeling good going into this game on +22 points. Marown had everything to play for with +20 points. 

But the Marown Ladies Pulled up their socks and played a corker. 

Joy Stephens 20-21 Mair Moore

Jenny Saunders 17-21 Elaine Dewhurst

Barbara Young 12-21 Lynda Cadamy

Sue Peach 21-12 Joyce Ogden.

So with 2 games left on the green the scores were currently Castletown A 92 V Marown 95 including the handicaps. So all was very close.

Hilary Kermode 11-21 Celia Joughin

Kim Foy 18-21 Philippa Taylor

Resulting in Marown Taking the JMS Veterans Shield Title for the 4th time in a row. 

Castletown A 121 V 137 Marown

Ladies O60s league back in action

The Ladies Over 60s league was back in action last week.

The game of the day had to be Port Erin A V Ballaugh. Which finished up 3 games each and resulted in a tie 98-98. 

Onchan A dominated their home game against Mooragh Park B taking games 5-2, 105 V 63 All the the Onchan wins were to single figures.

Mooragh Park A 115 V 79 Douglas (4-2) Janet Monk and Janice Pilling for Mooragh both had excellent wins. Whilst Pauline Cowley (Douglas) just pipped Joy Morris 20-21. 

Castletown A 108 V 81 Marown (4-2) This was a great win for the Castletown side, especially with the final of the JMS cup due to be played a couple of days later.

Peel Sunset 109 V 80 Port St Mary A (4-2) Peel Sunset were all over the Port St Mary side taking full advantage of them being a player short. 

Nobles 109 V 81 Finch Hill (5-1) Nobles were back to full form this week. Jan Osbourne (Finch Hill) won 21-4 to stop Nobles claiming a full house.

South Ramsey 106 V 85 Port Erin B (4-2) This game was very even until Elaine Moore’s 21-4 win pushed South Ramseys points out of reach.

Jean kelly winners Marown A by 3 points in close contested final

Jean Kelly Final was held on Friday 3rd September at Onchan

South Ramsey V Marown A on paper this was always going to be a close contest. Which ended up a nail biting final down to the last end. South Ramsey had a +22 handicap where Marown had + 11.  The 1st 5 games off saw (including handicap) South Ramsey leading 110 and Marown 102. 

Judy Kelly 13 v 21 Rebekah Kelly

Jenny Moore 21 v 10 Helen Withers

Helen Groen 21 v 18 Debbie Leece

Kim Hargraves 17 v 21 Rebecca Teare

Sue Collier 16 v 21 Philippa Taylor

The next 3 games off saw Marown close the gap on South Ramsey 157, Marown 154

Fiona Kennish 14 v 21 Lyn Bolton

Elaine Moore 12 v 21 Linda Cadamy

Gill Dixon 21 v 10 Clare Cooper

With the last game on it was all quite intense and some good bowls played by both players early on in the match. The final end was wide open with Smith leading 19-15 and holding 1 just managed to get her second bowl inside Morgans to seal the match.

Gill Morgan 15 v 21 Jayne Smith

South Ramsey 172 v 175 Marown A

Ladies Millenium 4’s concluded after postponed by torrential rain

The Ladies Millenium 4’s was completed on the morning of Sat 2nd September, due to having to be postponed due to horrific weather the previous month.

The semi final stage saw eventual winners Margaret Tasker, Trish Bull, Linda Cadamy and Lyn Bolton take on Debbie Leece, Clare Cooper, Helen Withers and Rebecca Teare. 45 v 35. Cath Harvey, Rose Waterworth, Loiuse Tebay and Maria Dimsdale played Jenny Moore, Gill Dixon, Kim Hargraves and Fiona Kennish 32 v 35.

The final saw Trish Bull 9 V 15 Jenny Moore, Linda Cadamy 15 V 14 Kim Hargraves and the doubles game Margaret Tasker and Lyn Bolton 15 V 5 Fiona Kennish and Gill Dixon. Which resulted in a final score of 39 V 34 to Margaret, Trish, Lyn and Linda. 

The Ladies Association presented the Trophy and prizes and thanked Douglas Bowling Club for accommodating the 2 dates to hold the competition. Also thank you to the players for returning to conclude the event on a much sunnier day.

Castletown A win Ladies Open Age League

The final games of the Open Age League were played on Wed 30th August. Castletown A maintained their lead at the top when they played Mooragh Park with a full house 189 V 78 (9-0) This is Castletowns 3rd year on the run winning the league and their 17th time winning over the last 30 years which is a great achievement. 

All of the top 3 teams won their games with a full house which shows just how close it was at the top of the table.

In 2nd Place saw Marown A 189 V 62 Douglas (9-0) and 3rd Place South Ramsey 189 V 63 Castletown B (9-0) 

Port St Mary 154 V 152 Nobles (4-5) Port St Mary managed to just take the win by 2 points with some extremely close games on the night.

Another really close game was Ballaugh 149 V 143 Port Erin (4-5) with Ballaugh taking this win by 6 points.

Marown B 161 V 139 Peel Sunset (5-4) Marown B just taking the win. 

Well done to all teams on a good season. It’s been great to see so many youngsters playing so well each week, with a few taking their first game wins too.  We look forward to seeing what next season holds. 

Well done again to winners Castletown A on their 17th Open Age League 2023 Title.

Kath Kinley wins Ladies Over 60’s Championships

The Ladies Association Held the Over 60s Championships on Tuesday 29th August in the baking sunshine at Castletown Bowling Club. 

It was a home green Final with Joy Stephens and Kath Kinley who both play for Castletown. Resulting in Kath Kinley overjoyed to win the Over 60s championships with a win 21-7. Both Kath and Joy have shown great form this season in the O60s league with Kath playing 21 games with 21 wins and Joy playing 10 games with 10 wins. 

The day started with an entry of 25 ladies. Kath met her teammate Hillary Kermode in the prelim rounds coming out 21-11. This took her through to next play Pauline Worrall (Port Erin) where Kath showed her green experience to win 21-5. Joy had her work to do drawn to play Margaret Tasker (Port St Mary) who we all know masters any green with ease. But Joy played fantastic, drawing the perfect shot on the last end to take her through to the next round 21-20. 

In the quarter final stages Kath overcame Caroline Corlett (Nobles) 21-10. Elaine Moore booked her place into the semi finals beating Lynda Wilson (Peel Sunset) 21-3. Joyce Ogden overcame teammate Linda Cadamy (Marown) 21-10 and Joy carried on her superb play against Peel Sunsets Joyce Kelly 21-13. 

Booking their places into the final Kath next saw off Elaine 21-7, and Joy played Joyce to book her 1st championship final 21-17. 

It turned out to be a very long day, with the 1st games starting at 10am. It was mid afternoon before the final got underway. Where Kath was on brilliant form taking the Championship title with a 21-7 win.

The Ladies Association made the presentation and thanked Castletown for hosting the Championships.

Castletown A win Derby Match with Full House

Port St Mary A 84 V 97 Nobles (3-3) Jo Smith and Sue Gawne (Nobles) both had good wins to single figures. As did Port St Mary’s Brenda Harkard.

Castletown A were on good form when they played their B team.Winning all 6 games. Castletown B 70 V 126 Castletown A (0-6)

Ballaugh 99 V 88 Onchan A (3-3) 

Mooragh Park B 51 V 121 Peel Sunset (1-5) Peel were in great form winning 4 of the games to single figures. Gillian Malpass was Mooraghs lone winner 21-16.

Finch Hill 89 V 93 Mooragh Park B (2-4) Both teams had a couple of single figure wins. Maureen Hamilton ( Mooragh Park) just managed to hold off Anne Hon 20-21. 

Marown hosted Port Erin A who just managed to take the win from the marown side. Caroline Whitehead’s 21-6 win helped the Port Erin side edge enough points to take the win. Marown 94 V 107 Port Erin A (3-3) 

Douglas A 53 V 126 South Ramsey (0-6) A full house for the visitors South Ramsey, with Judy Kelly, Elaine Moore and Jill Quayle all winning by single figures.

An extremely close game for Port St Mary A 84 V 97 Nobles (3-3) But Nobles Sue Gawne and Jo Smith winning 6-21 and 3-21. Nobles stretched ahead to take the win.

Thursday 17th saw the JMS Veteran Shield Quarter Final games played with the following results:

Marown (+24) 145 V 130 Peel Sunset (+32) 5-1

Port Erin A (+28) 127 V 134 Mooragh Park A (+33) 3-3

South Ramsey (+24) 114 V 132 Castletown A (+20) 2-4

Ballaugh (+26) 152 V 88 Mooragh Park B (+48) 6-0

The Semi Finals will be held on Thursday 31st August.

Ballaugh V Marown

Castletown A V Mooragh Park A