Author Archives: Jayne Smith

Great home win for Ballaugh A in Over 60’s

Ballaugh A take a 1 point win from Castletown A.

Castletown A travelled to Ballaugh A and won 4 games to Ballaugh’s 2. But with some fantastic bowling from the Ballaugh side they won the game by just 1 point 101-100. Julie Reilly just lost out 20-21 to Barbara Young (Castletown).

At Nobles park the ladies were in fine form against Port Erin B 126-32 (6-0) Pat Heesom (PE) managed to reach double figures for her club to gain a few points losing 21-13. Nobles won all the other 5 games to low single figures.

 Marown 91-111 South Ramsey (2-4)

Nobles 126-32 Port Erin B (6-0)

Ballaugh A 101-100 Castletown A (2-4)

Castletown B 85-118 Peel Sunset (1-5)

Onchan A 116-94 Ballaugh B (5-1)

Port Erin A 126-47 Mooragh Park B (6-0)

Port St Mary A 106-92 Finch Hill (4-2)

South Ramsey chasing the top of the League with a 9-0 home victory

Port Erin visited South Ramsey on a chilly Friday to be left disappointed with coming away without a win. The South Ramsey girls are back on top form winning all their games. Sue Collier and new teammate Joyce Ogden both won 21-1. Joyce moved to the South Ramsey Team this season and seems to be coping well on the new home green, winning all her home games so far this season.

The closest game of the night was Castletown B 139-135 Ballaugh B (5-4) The newly formed Ballaugh side will be disappointed to have been so close to a win losing out by just 4 points. But keep it going ladies as I’m sure that the win isn’t far away. 

Mooragh Park 161 -113 Douglas (6-3)

Port St Mary 130-173 Castletown A (2-7)

Nobles 116-183 Marown A (2-7)

Ballaugh A 187-95 Peel Sunset (8-1)

Warmer Weather on its way for the Ladies Over 60’s morning games

Top scoring game in the Ladies Over 60’s was Port St Mary A 123-62 Port Erin B winning 5 games to 1. The sole winner for the Port Erin B side was Steph Swift 21-18. 

Port Erin A 104-74 Ballaugh B (3-3)

Mooragh Park A 101-78 Mooragh Park B (3-3)

Marown 109-78 Castletown B (4-2)

Castletown A 113-89 Finch Hill (5-1)

Onchan A 79-107 Peel Sunset (2-4)

Nobles 121-84 South Ramsey (4-2)

The second game of the week saw Nobles head North To Mooragh Park B where they scored an impressive 0-6 victory. Both Sue Gawne and Sylvia Kennaugh won 21-1. Gill Hammond and Mary Bruce from the home team narrowly missed out 18-21.

The Mooragh Park A team travelled South to score another impressive 0-6 victory over Port Erin B. Taking the maximum points available Joy Morris won her game 0-21 to give an good win score of Port Erin B 64-126 Mooragh Park A (0-6)

Castletown B 97-74 Onchan A (4-2)

Mooragh Park B 53-126 Nobles (0-6)

Ballaugh B 72-112 Marown (2-4)

Peel Sunset 123-92 Castletown A (5-1)

Finch Hill 92-100 Ballaugh A (3-3)

South Ramsey 114-76 Port Erin A (5-1)

Port Erin overcome Castletown B by just 1 point

Double week of games for open age ladies league.

A close game was held on the Port Erin green, when Port St Mary hosted Port Erin. Port Erin took the win 131-159 (4-5). Caroline Whitehead and Sue Wilshaw both won their games 4-21 to help secure the team victory.

Nobles 125-167 Castletown A (3-6)

Mooragh Park 182-106 Ballaugh B (6-3)

Marown A 181-95 Douglas (8-1)

Ballaugh A 170-90 Marown B (7-2)

South Ramsey 187-104 Peel Sunset (8-1)

Castletown A picked up a full house against Mooragh Park, where unfortunately Mooragh Park had to give away a walkover game. Janet Monk (Mooragh) was close to taking a win reaching 18 against Hilary Kermode.

Port Erin 146-145 Castletown B (5-4) The home side just managed to take this win by 1 point and 1 game. This game could have gone either way with some good scores on both sides. Debra Cooper won her game for Castletown B 21-5, But Pauline Worrall secured a 21-3 win for her Port Erin team. It will be interesting to see how close the return game will be and whether Castletown B can take the win on their home green on the return match. 

South Ramsey had their bye game after their good win earlier in the week, dropping only 2 points in their match against Peel Sunset.

Douglas 156-137 Nobles (6-3)

Port Erin 146-145 Castletown B (5-4)

Ballaugh B 129-131 Port St Mary (5-4)

Peel Sunset 157-135 Marown B (6-3)

Castletown A 189-85 Mooragh Park (9-0)

Marown A 180-135 Ballaugh A (6-3)

46-126 was the score of the day in Over 60’s Ladies

Peel Sunset had a close encounter with away team Finch Hill winning 5-1 on games, but Finch Hill gained an impressive 91 points against the home sides 119. Terry Berry (Peel) 21-19 Anne Hon (Finch) and Shirley Corrin (Peel) 21-18 Lil Smith (Finch) were the closest games of the day. Elaine Vincent was the only winner for Finch Hill winning 21-14. 

Two Scores of 46-126 (0-6) went to Port Erin B versus Ballaugh A and Onchan A versus Marown. Both away teams took the wins. Onchan A have unfortunately had to give a total of 3 games away already this season, let’s hope they can get a full team for the upcoming game fixtures.

Mooragh Park B 63-113 Port St Mary A (1-5)

Castletown B 81-119 Port Erin A (1-5)

Ballaugh B 58-126 Nobles (0-6)

Peel Sunset 119-91 Finch Hill (5-1)

Port Erin B 46-126 Ballaugh A (0-6)

South Ramsey 102-94 Mooragh Park A (3-3)

Onchan A 46-126 Marown (0-6)

Marown Trio win Ladies Association Triples

The Ladies Association held the Ladies Triples on Sunday 14th April at Peel Sunset bowling club with an entry of 13 Triples. The weather was fine although a chilly wind on peel promenade. The day saw five preliminary matches to get the event going. From memory last year’s preliminary round had a game that went on for over an hour and a half and today’s games were no different with Marown’s Debbie Leece, Rebecca Teare and Helen Withers dragging their game out 21-17 against Peels Jo, Louise and Helen. 

At the Quarter Final stage Castletown’s Hannah, Hilary and Tracy won 21-15 against Katie, Emma and Rebecca. South Ramsey’s Fiona, Kim and Jenny won 21-14 against homegreeners Beverley, Diane and Terri. Marown/Nobles Linda, Philippa and Sue won 21-9 against Pauline, Sue and Kerry. Marown’s Debbie, Rebecca and Helen 21-17 against Julie, Joyce and Lynda. 

This left the semi-final to be some really good play with top ranked players, which resulted in two very close games which could have gone either way. Debbie, Rebecca and Helen finished previous winners Fiona, Kim and Jenny 21-19 and Hannah, Tracy and Hilary saw off Linda, Sue and Philippa 21-18.

The Final saw great bowling from all players in a really close game. The Marown Trio dug in hard to come out eventual winners to claim the title 21-17.

The Association presented prizes and thanked Peel Sunset for hosting and all their member for helping out on the day.

Ballaugh B play their 1st away game at Marown

The Night Ladies Open Age League had 2 games this week. Marown A were the only team to pick up maximum points against the newly formed Ballaugh B playing their 1st away game. All of the Ballaugh side scored points and they should be very happy as they all played extremely well playing on a new green for the 1st time. I’m sure it won’t be long before I’m recording their 1st win in my reports. 

Douglas 151-166 Castletown A (4-5)

Port St Mary 163-140 Peel Sunset (5-4)

Nobles 152-133 Port Erin (5-4)

Marown A 189-41 Ballaugh B (9-0)

Ballaugh A 165-131 South Ramsey (6-3)

Castletown B 137-154 Marown B (4-5)

The 2nd games of the week saw Mooragh Park head south to Port Erin which ended up a draw 160-160. Mooragh Park fought hard to gain the draw with a loss of 6 games to 3, there was some very close games. Jenny Cain (PE) 21-20 Pat Lenton (Mooragh) Mavis Franks (PE) 21-20 Janice Pilling (Mooragh) and Sue Wilshaw (PE) 21-19 Bailey McMullan (Mooragh).

Lets hope we manage to have some sunshine for our next set of games.

Marown B 84-187 South Ramsey (2-7)

Ballaugh B 110-170 Nobles (1-8)

Peel Sunset 179-111 Castletown B (8-1)

Castletown A 166-156 Marown A (6-3)

Douglas 135-152 Ballaugh A (4-5)

Port Erin 160-160 Mooragh Park (6-3)

Busy week in Over 60’s catching up on postponed games

The Over 60’s Ladies had a busy week catching up on games postponed the previous week due to the torrential rain that prevented play. Last year’s league winners are off to a fine start with 2 maximum point games this week and only dropping 50 points total in both games. Anne Oates, Hilary Kermode and Kim Foy all won  21-0 in their game against Port Erin B.

Port St Mary A fought hard with South Ramsey on the port erin green. With Tricia Bull picking up the only win for the south side 21-7. Edwina Reid and Margaret Tasker came close just losing out 17-21 against Ramsey’s Jill Quayle and Joyce Ogden.

Castletown B 79-116 Mooragh Park A (2-4)

South Ramsey 119-91 Ballaugh A (4-2)

Ballaugh B 93-110 Port St Mary A (3-3)

Onchan A 33-126 Nobles (0-6)

Port Erin A 116-90 Onchan A (4-2)

Nobles 126-59 Castletown B (6-0)

Ballaugh A 126-85 Mooragh Park B (6-0)

Castletown A  126-27 Port Erin B (6-0)

Mooragh Park A 120-70 Ballaugh B (5-1)

Marown 87- 20 Peel Sunset (2-4)

Port St Mary A 78- 12 South Ramsey (1-5)

Mooragh Park B 23-126 Castletown A (0-6)

Marown 76-117 Port Erin A (2-4)

Ladies Open Age League 2024 gets off to a good start

The Ladies Open Age League also returned to play on 5th April for the 2024 season, on a very windy evening. Which made bowling extremely challenging. The game of the night goes to Marown B 164 – 107 Port St Mary (6-3). Unfortunately Port St Mary were a player short and Marown took full advantage, with the youngest players winning to single figures. Emily Cooper 21-1 and Grace Cooper 21-4. Charlotte Clark just lost out 20-21 to Katy Williams. Port St Mary’s other winners were Margaret Tasker 21-7 and Tricia Bull 21-11.

Port Erin 117-177 Marown A (3-6)

Castletown A 175-99 Ballaugh A (7-2)

Peel Sunset 158-138 Mooragh Park (5-4)

South Ramsey 184-92 Castletown B (7-2)

Ballaugh B 129-145 Douglas (3-6)

Ladies Over 60’s League 2024

The Ladies Over 60’s 2024 league got off to a great start on Thursday 4th April with 3 maximum scoring games.

Mooragh Park A took all of their wins to single figures. Janice Pilling & Gail Corrin both won 21-0, giving the team a great score to start the season off Mooragh Park A 126 – 23 Onchan A (6-0)

Castletown A 115-76 South Ramsey (4-2)

Nobles 97-109 Marown (2-4)

Ballaugh A 126-80 Ballaugh B (6-0)

Port Erin A 115-86 Peel Sunset (4-2)

Finch Hill 126-67 Mooragh Park B (6-0)

Port St Mary A 123-86 Castletown B (5-1)