Author Archives: Jayne Smith

Castletown A move to top of League Table

Castletown A secured a maximum points win at Peel Sunset to move them to the top of the league table, just 13 points ahead of Marown A who had a loss when they played the in form South Ramsey. Marown went to Ramsey with two players from the B team. They both played really well and youngster Grace Cooper picked up an impressive 21-6 win. South Ramsey were in great form winning four of the games to single figures. As I was staying the evening in Ramsey I enjoyed my glass of gin very much after my game, many thanks Elaine. 

Marown B 139-134 Douglas (4-5)

Port St Mary 141-147 Mooragh Park (4-5)

Castletown B 132-150 Nobles (4-5)

Ballaugh A 181-146 Port Erin (6-3)

South Ramsey 163-123 Marown A (5-4)

Peel Sunset 74-189 Castletown A (0-9)

Finch Hill Over 60’s Ladies claim maximum win on home green

Finch Hill were on top form when Onchan A visited them with a player short again. Iris Kermode took the walkover 21-0. Team mates Brenda Williams and Lil Smith both won 21-7 and Sue Caley and Anne Hon 21-14. Wendy Cowin added to the full house with her 21-10 win.

Finch Hill 126-52 Onchan A 6-0)

Mooragh Park B 40-125 South Ramsey (1-5)

Castletown A 116-76 Marown (4-2)

Ballaugh A 104-114 Port Erin A (4-2)

Peel Sunset 107-73 Mooragh Park A (4-2)

Port Erin B 109-106 Ballaugh B (2-4)

Port St Mary A 89-105 Nobles (1-5)

Finch Hill had another good win later in the week when they travelled to Castletown B losing just one game, Lil Smith and Wendy Cowin both had good single figure wins. Castletown’s lone winner Elaine McElroy had a good 21-9 win.

Castletown B 75-114 Finch Hill (1-5)

Nobles 119-70 Mooragh Park A (5-1)

Mooragh Park B 39-126 Peel Sunset (0-6)

Marown 90-108 Ballaugh A (2-4)

Port Erin A 109-91 Port St Mary A (4-2)

Onchan A 24-126 Castletown A (0-6)

Ballaugh A win at Mooragh Park

Ballaugh A take away win with close games in Ladies open age League.

Mooragh Park won 5-4 in games when Ballaugh A visited. With both sides winning 2 games to single figures. Ballaugh A just managed to take enough points to give them the overall win 137-151.

Castletown A 181-97 Marown B (7-2)

Ballaugh B 100-165 Peel Sunset (3-6)

Nobles 144-114 Port St Mary (5-4)

Mooragh Park 137-151 Ballaugh A (5-4)

Douglas 94-174 South Ramsey (2-7)

Marown A 181-94 Castletown B (8-1)

Jean Kelly Quarter Final Stage

Wednesday 15th saw the next stage of the Jean Kelly. Marown A (+18) faced Castletown B (+60) with the youngsters showing great form. With Marown A still missing Philippa from their line up, Martha Butler was drafted in from the B team. Having won her first ever game the previous week for the B team, Martha was a little nervous playing with the A team ladies. But she held her nerve well especially as she was the last game on the green and picked up her 2nd win this season 21-13. Castletown B had the single win which came from another youngster Aalish Moore who also had a great night winning her game 17-21. 

Peel Sunset (+48) hosted Mooragh Park (+56) The Park side easily won without needing their +8 point advantage winning 7 games, with Janet Monk and Caroling Parker both winning to single figures.

South Ramsey (+17) had a close encounter with Marown B (+56) where they managed to take the games 5-4. But with Marown having a +39 point advantage the ladies had to dig deep and with Gillian Dixon, Jenny Moore, Judy Kelly and Joyce Ogden all winning by single figures, it was just enough to win the match by a close 9 points.

The final game of the night was Nobles (+36) taking on Ballaugh A (+42) The Ballaugh side pulled out some great games to keep their +6 point advantage and not let Nobles over take them. Even though Nobles won games (5-4) both Elena Dimsdale and Julie Reily kept the points close when they just lost 21-20 to Joanne Kelly and Libby Andrade. 

Peel Sunset (+48) 165-236 Mooragh Park (+56)

Nobles (+36) 190-210 Ballaugh A (+42)

South Ramsey (+17) 181-172 Marown B (+56)

Marown A (+18) 203-166 Castletown B (+60)

The draw for the semi final round has been drawn and will take place on wednesday 17th July on neutral greens.

Ballaugh A (SCR) V South Ramsey (SCR)

Marown A (SCR) V Mooragh Park (+9)

Port Erin B secure maximum home win

Port Erin B secure maximum home win in Ladies Over 60’s

Maximum points for home team Port Erin B Taking full advantage of Onchan A unable to field a full team. Onchan fought hard with 2 loses 21-20 and 2 to 21-14. The south side took the win (6-0) 126-68

Mooragh Park B 58-111 Castletown B (1-5)

Peel Sunset 108-104 Port St Mary A (3-3)

Ballaugh A 102-95 Mooragh Park A (3-3)

Castletown A 113-84 Nobles (4-2)

South Ramsey 113-56 Ballaugh B (5-1)

Finch Hi 73-113 Port Erin A (2-4)

In the second games of the week South Ramsey and Peel Sunset had a close encounter. Jill Quayle, Sue Collier and Judy Kelly all took wins for the Ramsey side. But the Peel Sunset ladies tied on games 3-3 with Terry Berry, Ceila Smith and Shirley Corrin all winning. The game finished with South Ramsey just 1 point clear to take the win 106-105. 

Castletown B 85-102 Port Erin B (2-4)

Ballaugh B 114-76 Mooragh Park B (5-1)

Marown 103-65 Finch Hill (4-2)

Mooragh Park A 117-69 Port St Mary A (4-2)

Nobles 97-105 Ballaugh A (3-3)

Port Erin A 104-113 Castletown A (3-3)

Jenny Moore secures Top Lady

The Ladies Association held Top Lady at Nobles Bowling Club on Sunday 19th May. 32 of the island’s Top Ladies were invited to play and the weather was scorching. Moore eased her way to the final where she met Janet Monk. Monk was almost taken out by her teammate Madison McMullan in the earlier stages with a hard fought effort which Monk won 21-17.

Quarter Final stages saw Jenny Moore take on last year’s winner Clare Cooper, with Moore progressing on to the next stage 21-16. Fiona Kennish secured her semi final spot 21-18 against Margaret Tasker. Debbie Leece was on top form on the day moving forward 21-10 against Sue Collier and Janet Monk ended all chances of an all South Ramsey final winning 21-16 against Gill Dixon. The Semi stage saw Moore end teammate Kennish’s chances 21-7. Monk had a tough game 21-19 to end Leece’s final chance. 

The final was enjoyed by lots of spectators enjoying the afternoon of sunshine. Janet Monk took control of the game on her favorite short curly spot she’d been playing most of the day, and at 12 ends was leading 14-3. But Jenny managed to get her off her mark and close the gap to 14-17. Janet then scored a 2 and a 1 to increase her lead to 20-14. But Jenny wasn’t ready to back down and went on to win the next 5 ends to run out eventual winner 21-20. 

The Ladies Association presented the trophies and thanked Nobles for hosting and helping out on the day.

Ruby Keggen picks up 1st Win

Castletown B picked up an impressive win at home against Douglas with youngster Ruby Keggen following in the footsteps of her parents and taking her first win having only played 3 games previously. Barbara Young won 21-0. Paula Garrett fought back with a 2-21 win for the Douglas side. Castletown B 139-138 Douglas (5-4).

Ruby Keggen picks up her first open age league win.

The top of the table clash between South Ramsey and Castletown A took place up north with the home side only losing out by just 9 points. Both sides had a couple of single figure wins, and it’s still all to play for at the top of the league table.

South Ramsey 142-151 Castletown A (3-6)

Mooragh Park 160-155 Nobles (4-5)

Port St Mary 94-183 Marown A (1-8)

Marown B 175-136 Ballaugh B (7-2)

Peel Sunset 162-143 Port Erin (5-4)

Ballaugh B edged out a 3 point win

Ballaugh B edging out a 3 point win against Castletown B in O60’s Ladies

Castletown B just lost out by 3 points when they travelled to Ballaugh B last Tuesday. All the games were closely contested with the losses all to high double figures. But Ballaugh came out the winners 111-108 (3-3)

Port Erin B 47-126 Port Erin A (0-6)

Castletown A 113-62 Port St Mary A (5-1)

Peel Sunset 116-103 Ballaugh A (4-2)

South Ramsey 124-49 Onchan A (4-2)

Finch Hill 75-100 Mooragh Park A (2-4)

Mooragh Park B 40-126 Marown (0-6)

The second games of the week saw a very close game at Mooragh Park A playing Castletown A. The Park side only managed to secure 2 wins but both with an impressive 21-4 scoreline. Kathryn Kinley from Castletown A fought back with a 5-21 win, but the park side had managed to hold on to a draw 92-92  (2-4).

Ballaugh B 94-106 Peel Sunset (2-4)

Castletown B 53-126 South Ramsey (0-6)

Nobles 120-97 Finch Hill (5-1)

Onchan A 92-97 Mooragh Park B (4-2)

Marown 121-72 Port Erin B (5-1)

Port St Mary A 83-124 Ballaugh A (1-5)

Castletown Derby in Ladies League

Maximum points for A team in Castletown derby.

Castletown A didn’t go easy when they played their home game against the B team. Winning 6 of the games to single figures, keeping themselves within reach of the top spot on the league table sitting only 21 points behind top placed Marown A.

Marown A welcomed Mooragh Park to Crosby. The Park side took 2 wins 19-21 Madison McMullan and 14-21 Janet Monk. The Young girls are a real credit to this team, and were seen to play some excellent bowls. They are players that have come on really well over the last few seasons, well done to Mooragh for the work they have put in with the youngsters of the club. 

Castletown A 189-59 Castletown B (9-0)

Ballaugh B 82-182 South Ramsey (2-7)

Douglas 140-134 Port St Mary (5-4)

Port Erin 162-105 Marown B (6-3)

Marown A 180-119 Mooragh Park (7-2)

Nobles 135-157 Ballaugh A (4-5)

Jean Kelly Prelim Round Results

Marown A (+13) 190-165 Castletown A (+12) 6-3

Mooragh Park (+43) 221-170 Douglas (+61) 7-2

South Ramsey (+19) 194-157 Port Erin (+56) 8-1

Ballaugh B (+63) 123-228 Ballaugh A (+39) 0-9

The Quarter Final Stages to be held Wed 15th May

Nobles (SCR) V Ballaugh A (+9)

Marown A (SCR) V Castletown B (+9)

South Ramsey (SCR) V Marown B (+9)

Peel Sunset (SCR) V Mooragh Park (+9)